Monday, May 13, 2013

50/50 Chance

I had my appt with Dr. Downey today. He was very backed up which is unusual for that office. So for a 1pm appt. we didn't get out of there until after 4:30. We discussed what the plan would be going forward because of the new spots they see on the CT-scan and the elevated CA-125. I finished my last round of chemo last Oct. They don't want to use the two drugs I had before because it is too soon. When the cancer reoccures this soon, they try a different drug, not to say they might not try it again in the future. They want me to be in a clinical trial research project. I will start this next Tues. It involves getting IV chemo once a month and then sub-q injections every week. The IV chemo drug is called Doxorubicin. The study is to see if this sub-q (VTX) drug given with the chemo drug helps your cancer tumors shrink or stop growing. The VTX is a new type of drug that stimulates your immune system. This study is a Randomized, double -blind, placebo-controlled phase study, which means, a computer picks whether you get the real drug or a placebo (water).

There are lots of tests I need to have done before they can give the first dose. I will be having an EKG, MUGA (heart test) and lots of blood work on Thurs. am. I told them I couldn't have it done in the next couple of days because I have a road trip planned with a few friends. We are going to Detroit, going to the Tiger game tomorrow night, IKEA, the Pewabic Pottery studio, maybe the Detroit Institute of Arts, and lots of other places we want to see. We are staying at my brother and sister-in-law's house in Plymouth. Nancy is going to be our driver and tour guide, she is so familiar with downtown.

So, I thank all of you who have continued to send cards, words of encouragement and tell me they keep me in their prayers daily. I do so appreciated all the support. I ask you to pray that I get the real drug and not the placebo in the study.

We had a lovely day yesterday for Mother's Day. We went over to Mieke's house for dinner after church, Stan's parents and Alden and Mary were there. Ross and Rumy couldn't be there because Ross had to play for a graduation commencement. Some of you may have seen my new summer hat that Mieke posted on Facebook. It is so cute, big brim to keep the sun off my head. I also got a real neat Greek Basil plant from Alden and Mary, it is like a little tree about 2 1/2 ft tall, Mieke already gave it a good hair cut. Can't wait to make some Pesto.

 The good thing about this round of chemo is that I shouldn't loose my hair.

My sister Krista is having surgery tomorrow am so please keep her in your prayers. I don't think she will mind that I mention she is having a hysterectomy. She is hoping that this might also help decrease the sciatic discomfort she has been having. She is having the robot assisted laporoscopic surgery and will be in the hospital over night. I wish her the very best and a great uneventful recovery.

I hope this makes sense to you all. I will report next time what some of the side effects might be.......


  1. Hi Debbie, you have been in my thoughts and Prayers daily...have a great time at the Tiger game and enjoy shopping hope you do not get rained out! love you my friend and I hope you get the real thing...take care, char, lily and breslyn

  2. Deb, I will continue to pray for you. Enjoy your trip, we will miss you at lunch!

  3. Prayers for this next round of treatment- that it is the drug and that it gets rid of every last cancer cell! You continue to be a big inspiration for me and I wish you the best during this long and difficult road.

  4. Thanks for the update, Deb! I've been thinking about you and praying for you. Enjoy Detroit!


  5. You stay in my thoughts and prayers. I am glad you are busy living and enjoying life. Shae

  6. Dear Deb,
    I have been delinguent in my responses but my prayers are always with you.
    I was unhappy to hear that chemo was needed again. We always hope that the cancer cells will be gone or dormant.

    I never wanted to walk this path with anyone, but journeying with you has been uplifting for our family. The apostle Paul writes in IICorinthians 1:3-9 that adversity in our lives helps us to encourage others in theirs. You have helped us in our struggle to know that we are not alone. And then more importantly, as fellow believers, we have realized our total dependence on God and His power.

    Blessings to you my dear friend.
    In His love,
    Linda Breen
