Friday, June 7, 2013

A Sad Day

Stan here:
For once we start not by updating you on Deb's condition. Instead, we tell you that we attended the  funeral today for Dave Breen who was a good friend, pastor, sports fan and lots of other good things.  He passed away last week Saturday after a long battle with cancer.  His family, who we had related with for many years did a fine job of putting together a fine service which really captured Dave and as I sat there I thought Dave would be very proud of them.  But, it has really made us kind of down this week. He will be missed very much.

From Deb:
Dave died on June 1 which was Mieke and Aaron's first wedding anniversary. Can hardly believe that they have been married for a year already and live 1 mile away from us. They are enjoying their new puppy Lambeau very much. He is a nice calm puppy and I have let him out a few times while they were both working. Mieke is now done with her school year so she will be home with him. She is babysitting for two families together on Mon. and Tues. and working for the church the rest of the week.
I had a fun time last weekend up in Traverse City at a shower for Mary. She and Alden are expecting in a less than two weeks now. We are so excited to meet our new granddaughter.

I was so proud to have all my kids at the funeral today. The Breen Family has been a big part of their lives and they all wanted to be there to say good bye. Ross played the Hallelujah Chorus for a postlude.
Ross then went and had dinner with his grandparents at Freedom Village. He had not seen their new home yet. Ross told me today that they just bought their plane tickets to go visit Rumy's family in Bulgaria next month. They got a pretty good price for flights out of Chicago. I am so glad they can do this, because I know it is hard for Rumy to be so far away from her family.

My brother Ken and his wife Shelly were also at the funeral today, because Dave and Linda introduced them and performed their wedding. They and all the kids went over to Mieke's to meet the new dog and see their new house.

I have been feeling really good lately. I have not had any side effects from my chemo yet. They did say that it usually happens after the third round. I have gone in every week for my shot. This next week is my week "off" from anything, and then I have my IV chemo again the next Monday. I promise to do another post when I have something new to report. Otherwise you should figure, no news is good news. I thank you all who continue to remember me in prayer and send me notes that they are thinking of me. It helps to know I am not alone in this.


  1. I like your new picture, Deb! Your hair looks chic : )

    I'm glad to hear that so far there have been no major surprises. Hard to believe you'll be a Grandma so soon! What fun that will be.

    Thinking of you every day!


  2. Deb,
    Thanks for the updates. You are looking marvelous! Enjoy each day. Duane

  3. Deb,

    I like your new picture too! And I'm glad to hear a family update. I pray daily that you are getting the real stuff and not the placebos..... glad you are doing well so far. Miss you at work! Claudia M. (BBC)

  4. I agree with the picture comments. You are looking SO good. I am also happy to hear you are feeling well. I am praying for NO side effects to kick in.
    Ross did a fabulous job stepping up to play the Hallelujah Chorus at the end. A triumphal ending to represent the glory we all will see when we die knowing and believing in Jesus our Lord. Dave would have loved hearing it.

    Dave and I always prayed for you out loud every morning. I want you to know I am continuing that prayer time - out loud.
    It is a blessing for me to see you living life to the fullest and defying some of the tough odds that seemed to be against you.
    Love you. Thank you to your whole family for honoring Dave by your presence at his funeral. From the day Dave knocked on your door, we were destined to call you dear friends. Blessings to you.
    In His love,

  5. Hi,

    I posted this comment on your blog a few weeks ago. I got no response, so don't know if you saw it. Here it is again.

    "I’m very sorry to hear about your cancer situation. Please do not give up hope, though. The following information might help you. I have been looking into the medicinal benefits of sodium bicarbonate, which is currently being studied in its effectiveness in curing cancer, see:

    And there is a lot of anecdotal evidence supporting this, see:

    Please give this a try. You have nothing to lose by doing so. It is both cheap and safe, and I have confidence that it works."
