Saturday, August 10, 2013

The Sog in the Blog

Stan Here:

Being up and down the streets of our town I have heard several comments and questions about why no more postings on the Blog.  In other words a noticeable sog in the blog.  Well here is why.  It has been sort of a goal around here to reach this point.  So no news is good news as they say and for the most part there has not been all that much news around here lately on the the health front.   But now I have a couple of things I should post.

It is Saturday.  Temp outside is around 72, wind is not blowing and I think if you had to look for a word to describe the day you might try to find a word something like pristine.  And inside of that word we have a couple other things I just have to tell you.  Some of you know that we have been blessed with a new grandchild and tonight we have the burdensome task of needing to visit her and take care of her for a while so Alden and Mary can attend a wedding.  I know this is going to be a tough one.  But I think we can do this!!! I know it is so boring for people to talk about their grandchildren but it seems to me that as these things go we have got a good one here.  She is a couple of months old and she can even muster a smile.  She kind of frowns at me but when Deb holds her she smiles.  I can handle this.

Plus we picked up Ross and Rumy yesterday from a three week trip to Bulgaria.  They had sort of a interesting thing happen.  They got stuck in Vienna (sp) for a day because of a late plane.  Now for two musicians to get stuck there is not a bad deal.  It was kind of touching to hear them talk about this.  They visited the home of Mozart. Both Rumy and Ross have such a deep appreciation for music that when we picked them up Ross reported that a few tears were shed as they toured his home.  I think that for many of us we cannot understand this all that much but somehow for them this event stood out and meant a lot to them.  Ross talked about it all the way home.

I have one other kind of fun thing to tell you about.  Mieke received a teaching position in the 4th grade at Hudsonville.  I think I have reported to you before that she has such a passion and love for teaching and children that whoever gets her will be lucky.  So she and Deb cleaned out our basement of all of the stuff she has stored to set up her classroom and they loaded it all in the car a day or so ago and went to set it up.  So I get a clean basement out of the deal and some kids over there get a good teacher.  I am writing a story for her. Her theme is A Rode Trip through the forth grade.  So I am writing a story that she can read every day about the adventures of a guy by the name of Blarry McGlary who travels on foot and visits every state in the USA. I called her last night to see if she could use this.  They teach about the USA and the capitals in the forth grade and you can be sure this guy is going to all of those places and that he will have some adventures along the way.  Should be fun.

Now I just put some birdseed out in the backyard.  And sure enough I have this Pileated woodpecker who jumped on the feeder.  For those of you who do not know this bird it sort of looks like Woody the Woodpecker.  Not sure why this is all that significant except to tell you that the red head reminds me of one other thing.   While it has been true that the medical events around here are somewhat calmer than in the past, it is also true that recent times have not been trouble free.  As a result of the chemo drug that Deb is now taking she is suffering through a pretty strong rash.  She is teaching a childbirth education class today at Holland Hospital and she has been able to work a little this week but I could not help but feel sorry for her when she left this morning.  When she was started on this chemo drug she was told the the side effects would have some of this and this has been kind of roaring in these past days.  Only she could blast through this without complaining all that much, but I must tell you that if it was me this thing looks like it has to hurt.

She and I went on kind of a nice trip to the UP with her parents this past week.  I had never seen the Soo Locks or the pictured rocks and we did both of those things and more.  On the way back she had to have a CT Scan and some X-rays in GR.  We get the results of those test on Monday when she sees the oncologist and she has more chemo.  So if you are a praying person if you could put one in for us I would appreciate it.  We are hoping that the test will show further reduction of the cancer.  She also still fights pretty hard with issues surrounding her illiostomy so I do not want you to think we are totally in the clear.  I do want you to know however that life is OK over here.

 Plus I want you to know that I think my Grandchild is nice looking if I am allowed to say that.



  1. Your posts have been greatly missed and it is wonderful to get caught up on your loving family. Enjoy your time babysitting and yes, she is adorable! Shae

  2. It was good to get caught up with "things" and I'm glad to know that no news is good news. I was thinking that perhaps no news meant too busy with treatments to write. So, I will keep praying for successful treatments, cute baby smiles, successful airport layovers and for a red bellied woodpecker to join the pileated one! Both of you, enjoy the day that God has given to you. Claudia M.(BBC)

  3. thanks stan for your's always good to read your blogs.......I will pray for deb today to all.. Karen p.s. you can brag all you want about your grandbaby............that's what grandpas are suppose to do. and she is beautiful.
