Thursday, April 18, 2013

CA-125 Update

I had my blood drawn yesterday to recheck my Cancer Antigen (CA-125). It is still elevated at 270.5, but it is not rising. It was 278 a month ago. Normal is considered under 35. It was down to 22 when I finished my last round of chemo. So the oncologist office says I need to have another CT-scan. I will have it done next week at Spectrum. The nurse says that if it is negative, they will repeat the blood test in a month. It is still possible that the bowel surgery has had an effect on the results.

I am doing so much better since the revision of my ostomy, three weeks ago tomorrow. I am still not completely without some issues. I have had two episodes of food blockage, so I am very careful with what Not to eat. I am still having a bit of difficulty finding the correct "bag" to wear. I still have trouble with a little leakage and I am not able to wear the appliance 3-4 days as I should be able to. So, the visiting nurse was out yesterday and we keep trying different things.........

This weekend we will be attending the Grand Rapids Symphony. Ross is playing in the 4 shows. It is called Cirque Mechanics and should be a great show. Sunday am Ross and Rumy are also playing at Ferrysburg Church as kind of a farwell for Stan's Mom and Dad. The church is having a luncheon for them after church.

I am very sad these days because of the very serious condition of a dear friend of ours and a former pastor Dave Breen. He is in Spectrum Hospital with complications of his carcinoid cancer of  
the liver. We are praying for a miracle and think about Dave, Linda and their family constantly.


  1. Thanks for the update, Deb! I've been wondering how you're doing. Glad to hear there are improvements, even if there are still bumps in the road. I continue to be impressed by your strength and bravery every day! Will be praying for you and for your friend. Wishing you the best!


  2. Thanks for the update! Praying daily for you! Praying for a miracle for Pastor Dave.

  3. You sound upbeat despite the "bumps" and sounds busy getting out and about, that is good!! so sorry about your friend. There is so much sadness all around us! did you hear about Cheryl Atman's son's accident?
    All we can do is pray and trust God right? so hard sometimes....
    Praying for you every day! love, mary leeuw

  4. I’m very sorry to hear about your cancer situation. Please do not give up hope, though. The following information might help you. I have been looking into the medicinal benefits of sodium bicarbonate, which is currently being studied in its effectiveness in curing cancer, see:

    And there is a lot of anecdotal evidence supporting this, see:

    Please give this a try. You have nothing to lose by doing so. It is both cheap and safe, and I have confidence that it works.
