Monday, March 11, 2013

Jokes and Yokes

Stan Here:

 Never been quite sure with all this stuff going on that it is all that right of time to tell a joke. I did hear one the other day that somehow hit me. Here it is------.

 At the end of time there is a huge crowd in heaven waiting for judgement. Trying to get it all organized a heavenly assistant orders all of the women to go with Peter and he asked the men to form two lines. One line is to have all of the men who have obeyed the Biblical directive of being the head of the household and the other line is to have all of the men who have not measured up to this. In moments the line of people who did not meet this standard was miles long and there was only one guy standing in the other line. The assistant suggested that all the men could perhaps learn something from the one guy so he was asked to give some advice to the men in the long line. He looked a little startled and he said he was not sure how he got in this line. His wife had just told him to stand here until she was finished shopping.

 Somehow I think that joke has some reality in it for many of us. Not sure why I think that. Just a guess. So much for jokes on to yokes. Now quite frankly we have not been able to shake the yoke of this entire matter. It kind of hangs around and at times it seems really heavy. The latest issues involve some real advanced pain and some real trouble with getting all things working as they should. It would seem at this point that there will be some hard times fitting any type of "appliance" in the area that is needed to live life with a ileiostomy. The results have been some advanced soreness and rawness and I would be way less than honest if I said there have not been some real concerns here on how best to handle this. There is some chance that yet another surgery will be needed to correct this but right now we are just doing our best to find the best help we can in getting this to work without having to face another surgery. Deb needs a break. I do not know of anyone who needs one more than she.

 If the event another surgery is needed it cannot be performed for several weeks. Healing in the stomach area is needed before anything like this can be attempted. So you know what? We are going to take a little break. We are going to attempt to go with Deb's parents and enjoy a time share they own on Hilton Head Island. Deb and I have enjoyed this over the years and Deb makes the point that if she is going to have these problems she might as well do it in the sunshine. A few of the the things down there will not be in the picture. I think oceans, hot tubs and pools are out. But sunshine, warm weather and some walks on the beach are in. We recall the advice when Deb was first diagnosed "Live your Life" and that is what we will try to do.

 I think my job when we go on vacation is to stand in the line that is miles long and do what is needed to make this trip as good as it can be. I will do some golfing with Deb's dad. It will be nice to be there again with them. It is no fun golfing alone. Nobody to shake hands with when you get a hole in one.



  1. Stan and Deb,
    I'm so sorry to hear that pain is so prevalent in your life right now. That is not fair!!!!! I wish I knew something about stomas to give you a new perspective, but I'm of no help. I can direct my prayers to your specific needs though. Also, I'm glad that you guys are able to get away to more sunny climes.....with beaches and balmy weather and handshakes and holes in one! God Bless! Claudia M. (BBC)

  2. I was very happy for you when you were able to return home recently, but am sorry that there are still challenges and pain. Good to hear you plan a time in sunny weather - my prayer is for a good trip there and a positive, relaxing time with your parents (and Stan who's been working on keeping everyone's spirits up with his blogs). May God lift both your spirits in the time ahead. Dena B.

  3. I hope you have a wonderful time and make many more happy memories together! You both deserve a break. Shae

  4. Have lots of fun with Mr. and Mrs. Vermeulen and give them a hug from me. A change in scenery sounds like a perfect idea right now. As for the recalcitrant, mis-shaped, ingrown stupid stoma........I hope some of the stoma nurse specialists were able to help!
    Ellen Jongsma
