Thursday, October 11, 2012

Chemo Round 2 - #7 (Finally)

Can't believe I am really sitting in the recliner having maybe my final chemo treatment. They will send in my CA-125 early today, so they Post settingsare quite hopeful that we will know the results by the end of treatment today. If it stays in the normal range then I won't have to have any more now. Then I will schedule my CT-scan for in a week or two. Not sure when they will talk about scheduling the surgery.  Kind of quiet here today, guess there will only be 4 pts. today. Only one nurse instead of two. She said the past few days have been crazy busy, so she is thankful for the break.

I am sad because of that terrible Tiger game. I stayed up to watch the end when I got home from work. Let's hope tonight is a different story!

They just gave me two oral Benadryl, then later they are giving me more IV Benadryl. I am sure I will  be getting a nap in today.

Stan dropped me off today and will pick me up at the end. Tomorrow night we hope to attend the Grand Rapids Symphony that Ross is playing in. Had lunch with Mieke yesterday. She and Aaron are doing well and enjoying their new jobs. Mieke is still working a little at our church. She is leading a kids choir and she is putting on a musical with them to be performed in December. Quite an undertaking, but she is excited about it. She has asked me to help with some of the piano, plunking out the notes. So that is where I will be on Wed. nights for a while. Aaron has kindly agreed to be the adult narrator in it. He is a good guy and will be great in it!

Amber the head honcho at this office just pop into the room to tell me the CA-125 is 21 !!!!!  YEH !!!!!!!!!! So this really may be my last chemo for a long while. Now I can schedule my CT scan.
No one is talking about scheduling my surgery, I will  have to ask the nurse that question.

I got the IV Benadryl a little while ago, and boy does that make you feel awful!!

Chemo is done and NO REACTION!!!! Yeah!!!


  1. Dear Deb,

    Congratulations on your final chemo! So glad to know that will be over for you. You did it!!!!

    Since I couldn't reach you by phone...hear is an update for you. We just dropped off Libby and Ava at the airport after their visit here in Tulsa. We had so much fun! Lego Land in Kansas City, Tulsa Aquarium, fabric shopping for the nursery (and Ava's bedroom.), a birthday party last night for Ava - since Papa Tim usually misses those.

    Ava is totally trained so that is a real change (pardon the pun.) She adores Katers who thankfully survived all the "love" and being carried all over our house. Ava caught lots of fish and fed the swans, ducks and geese off our dock/deck. Our church payed for Libby's ticket here so she could speak to 3 groups about her ministry with Don't Waste Your Cancer. He blog has dropped from 8,000 hits/day when she was sick to 2-3,000/day now, but she still has new readers every day. Over 1.5 million hits so far. Can't believe it.

    A female pastor from Minnesota was presenting at our church last night. She and her pastor husband are about to leave to teach in Cairo, Egypt at the Presbyterian Seminary. We were so surprised when she came up to Libby and said, "I've read your blog. Someone forwarded the link to me." --Pretty startling! These blogs are such a fabulous way to reach lots of people and keep them up-to-date. Thanks for your posts, Deb. We really appreciate them.

    Tim was so disappointed about the Tigers (I was keeping track of the game, but not watching it...reading I think.) Such a shock to hear they lost. I am looking forward to the VP debate tonight but tell Stan we are cheering for the other side.

    Thanks for your text...just got it. We can talk more later whenever you feel like it. Give me a call. Praying for a surgery date sooner rather than later. Hoping that brings you lots of much deserved relief.

    Enjoy that nap and hope you feel good as new very soon!



  2. 21? Wow, you went from 1000+, down to a radio station, and now you are old enough to vote again!! Just in time for an election! Let the good times roll!

  3. Hallelujah!!!!!
    The most excellent news. Praying the surgery will be able to happen real soon.
    Blessings, Duane

  4. God is soooo faithful - yeah Deb!!! Love, Niki, Kevin, Saree, Owen, Isabela (SONIK) :)

  5. I like the number 21! Good job, Deb, surviving the past 14 months of chemo and surgeries.
    Ellen Jongsma
