Monday, October 15, 2012

New Events

Stan Here:

It seems that no weekend is without some new events to talk about.  Deb's Mom and Dad came from up north to watch the Tiger game with us on Saturday night.  Good game. It looked like they were going to lose, but somehow things turned around and they won the game. Only one problem. The game lasted till the wee hours and as big of fans as they are they retired and had to wait till the next morning for the results.  Tiger's aside, the next morning we were getting ready to go to church and Deb's mom was sitting on the arm of our coach drinking coffee. Quite suddenly she seemed to suffer from a moment of confusion and fainting and it was quickly determined that we needed to quickly get  some medical attention.  The worry was a potential stroke.  All of us who read and know the issues realize that quick medical intervention can erase long term problems so we quickly got her in the car and headed over to Holland Hospital. It would appear at this point that a stroke did not occur but there was enough concern on the part of of the staff that all felt best to keep her overnight and perform a group of test today, Monday, to determine the best course of action.  So at this moment Deb is with her parents at the hospital assisting them in these test and helping determine the best course.  So far nothing has been determined and Deb's mom is stable and does not appear to be in danger.  In any event I had never witnessed something like this and it was scary.  So it seems we are spending a little more time in Hospitals than would be desired. At the same time we are thankful for them and thankful for the world of modern medicine.  As I report this I wonder what people did before our modern era.  I am thankful we do have the things we have today to check things out and prevent problems.

That is all for now.  Will keep you posted on the updates.  If you are ever a patient, Deb is good to have on your side. She knows how things work in the medical field. She loves her mom and dad, and she will do what is needed for the best outcome.


Hi, It is 8:30pm and I thought I should give an update for those of you who know and care about my Mom. She got discharged from the hospital tonight. They are going to sleep over here tonight and go home tomorrow am. They put her on a blood thinner because she has atrial fibrillation which has the potential to cause blood clots and possibly a stoke. They also increased her BP medication because that was up the whole time she was in the hospital. She will be followed by her Drs. in Plymouth. She is feeling good and after a good nights sleep, she will be even better. As anyone knows who has spent a night in the hospital, they are the worst place for getting any sleep. They kept a very close eye on her and for that I am grateful. We are very thankful that it was nothing more severe.


  1. So glad this turned out well - will keep her in our prayers.
    Uncle Tony/Aunt Marilyn

  2. Oh my, what next? I'm happy to hear she is doing well at the moment. (My mom is on a blood thinner for atrial fib and occasionally will have mini TIA's. Her first TIA was more major causing confusion and fainting also. It affected her vision. Prisms in her glasses has "fixed" this problem.)
    I'm glad your mom was with you when this happened.
    Can we blame this on the Tigers??? I hope they win tonight and take us all out of our "misery" for a little while :)
    A little reprive until the world series. YES!
    So, praying that you all can stay OUT of hospitals for awhile.
    Take care. Love Linda B

  3. Thanks for the updates on Sylvia and I am glad to hear she is out of the hospital and home again. We still keep you in our daily prayers, Deb and Stan!
    Ellen J
