Friday, October 5, 2012

Big Bird

Stan Here:

Big Bird seems to be coming up a lot lately, not sure why but I think it might have something to do with running for president.  All I can say is that only in the USA could a character like this creep in to the picture.  I was kind of glad Romney knew who Big Bird is.  I was kind of sad that he wanted to fire him, I thought for a few moments Obama looked a little like Big Bird during the debate and I am still trying to figure that out.  Anyway, I find this an interesting season. Lots going on.  The Tigers pulled it out in the last couple of weeks, Cabrerra won the triple crown, I went to a Bible thing at church the other night for a study about heaven, Deb seems in a decent mood, we are packing it up to go to a wedding in Cleveland this weekend, the trees are turning pretty colors,  the debates are interesting, and for the most part life seems good right now.

I mention the triple crown only because last year when Deb was first diagnosed she wrote a letter to the Tigers and told her story. They invited us down to a game and we got to be on the field to watch batting practice and meet a few of the players.  While she was over flirting with Justin Verlander I watched from up close Cabrerra take batting practice.  It still kind of amazes me recalling the power and agility of a man of his size.  Standing on the field it looks like a long ways to hit it over that fence and he does it with such ease.  More importantly it was at that time that all of us thought in terms of a "bucket list".  But now one year later there is not much left on that list and here we are, our thoughts are more optimistic.  One of the things that is true in this is that even though she faces a very undesired disease, that the learning and the love for life has not diminished.  She is sitting here in the TV room and the thought I have is that she falls in the triple crown of cancer survival.  Works a little, does not complain all that much, and still manages to do most of the normal things that she has always enjoyed.  The triple crown of cancer survival.

On that same topic there are a few challenges. Blood platelets are still too low to have that last chemo treatment.  Another test this weekend to get them checked again. We are told that this is quite normal after a person has had Chemo for this long.  So not that big of concern but some anxiety on getting this over with.  She had a nice day at Art Prize in GR today with Mieke, Jackie and Deb's parents. Mieke had the surprise of driving into her school parking lot and seeing no cars. Turns out that her elementary school was cancelled for the day because almost 200 kids were out sick with the flu. Her principal came running out and said, oh no, you were not on our "call list".  She hopes she is now added to that list.  We are attending our last of 12 (2012) weddings this weekend.  We pack up at 7 in the morning and feed the toll machines down I-80 till we get to Cleveland.  If Big Bird would ever run for president I might ask him why all the other states get toll and you drive in Michigan for free.

I suppose this mystery might not be solved till I get to heaven so I was glad to learn a little about heaven the other night as well.  Turns out it seems there a quite a few opinions on heaven and the guy who wrote the book that we study seemed to know more about it than I did.  Kind of hope he is right about some of the stuff he writes. I suspect though that he does not know much more than I (or anybody) does about it. Might have to ask Big Bird about it.  Lately he is looking like a pretty smart option.

That's the news from Holland, where all the women are good looking, all the children are smart, and the couple who resides at 1133 Silverstone appreciate your prayers and concerns. They seem to be working!!!

Stan the Man


  1. Deb, you look beautiful sitting on your tree perch. I love your decorative fence by the garage. Hang in there for your last treatment! Hard to believe what we were thinking about a year ago now!
    About heaven, did the guy say there were cats in heaven? I heard someone who, in a vision, had been to heaven, and he said there were cats in heaven. And the cat he saw there opened its mouth and said, "Alleluia!" Don't worry, I'm not nutty, but people laugh when I tell that story!

  2. Not sure he remembered much about cats in heaven. Except he did say that only the cool cats get to go. He was worried about what they would do for the people in heaven the had allergies to cats. They are still trying to figure that one out. So it would be alleluia a-choo.
