Tuesday, October 23, 2012

How about the New Normal

Stan Here:

One of the things that we have noticed with the event of Deb's cancer is that there is a whole list of new terms and new thinking that come right along with it.  I recall quite clearly asking one of the people in the chemo center if we could ever look forward to a "normal" existence.  I remember that person saying that cancer patients establish a "new normal".  As I reflect on this I think there is some wisdom in this.  It kind of happens to all of us doesn't it?  After all, as we age I think we all are able to accept some redefinition of the word normal.  Fact is that age brings to us all kinds of things like that. Life is not like it used to be.  That is really true for all of us.  It just all kind of speeds up a little when you face events like this.

It seems that one of the central things in the new normal world is what is called the CA 125 counts.   Once in a while I encounter a doctor "not involved in our case" and as I discuss with them what we are facing they often ask what was the CA 125 count going in ?  When I tell them it was over 1000  going in they all grimace a little. You can kind of tell by the expression on the faces that the doctor world knows a lot about these numbers.  Another truth is that for some, chemotherapy is not always effective.  In our case the chemo has reacted very well with Deb's body and now we can report the CA 125 number as 21.  In many ways life is very much more normal than it has been here for a very long time.  In fact yesterday morning the hospital called requesting some help from Deb as they were very busy on her unit.  She did a whole shift, 8 hours, maybe this has happened one other time but it did seem to me that things were getting closer to the old normal around here.  All in all we do know that this is not the kind of cancer that ever really goes behind you but we are catching a nice break in having her body respond so well to the treatments.

We had a nice party here last weekend for my dad who turned 84.  He is still preaching and was thinking about his sermon that he delivered the following night.

It appears we might be able to attend a world series game this coming weekend. Deb's brother is connected quite well in the ticket world. Those of you who know Deb realize that the Tigers are quite high on the list.  Look for us on Saturday on TV.  Deb's brother always gives me some sort of hat that the cameras have a problem staying away from.  Go get em Tigers!!!!!

I wrote a couple of new blog posts in the last couple of days on the Humor in a Storm postings.  Not sure they will meet with approval of all but if you do not like them then I can still enjoy the world of my normal.  Deb thinks I am a little nuts.  All I can tell you is the writing is a nice outlet for me and something I really enjoy.  She said people are going to feel sorry for her when they read these. Oh well,  I guess that might be one of things that make us feel as though we are living in the land of normal.

Stan the Man


  1. Whenever I long for things to be 'normal' again, I am reminded of what my mother told me--"Normal is just a setting on the washing machine".
    So, OK--we will take the 'new normal'--whatever that is each day!
    Carole Harriff

  2. Very well said. Bring on that new normal for Deb!
