Monday, November 5, 2012

Good Dr. Visit

I saw Dr. Downey today to review the results of my CT-scan. He says it looks normal. What a blessing and answer to many prayers.  He said I can have my reversal surgery. He wants Dr. Scholten to perform the surgery because he does many more of them and he is the one who did the ileostomy in the first place. Downey will assist if possible. I see Dr. Scholten this Thurs. at 1:45pm and I am hoping that we can schedule it for the week after Thanksgiving.

The Dr. explained that I would see him every 3 months and have my CA-125 and CT-scans frequently. 75% of women have a reoccurance of the cancer in the first 2 years. He said you need to pray that I am in the 25% that the remission lasts longer. If there are signs that the cancer returns
then we start chemo again.

I want to thank all of you who have been praying for me since last Aug.1, about 15 months ago. I can't tell you how wonderful it is to have so many people helping me through this journey. I am so glad to be alive, but I am having a hard time coming to grips with loosing my friend Karol. I have had over a year to think about the possibility of dying. She was so full of life, I can hardly believe I will never see her again.

1 comment:

  1. Oh Deb, so sorry for the loss of your dear friend, Karol. I never knew her personally but have heard and read many tributes and know that her death was a great loss to all who ever met her. Let her faith and undaunting spirit live on in you ~ although I feel like it already does.
    I am so happy for the news of a normal CT scan and now on to setting a date for the reversal of the ileostomy - an early Christmas present?
    You have fought hard through these 15 months. Praying that the remission is long.....

    Praying for you - every day.
    Love Linda B
