Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Laps around the Hall

Stan Here:
One of the hobbies that has never been in the hunt for Deb and I is the art of jogging. So I guess we will have to settle for a few laps around the hall and that in itself seems like our version of the 5K right now.  That has happened about 4 times today. It amazes me how Deb is able to achieve quite a fast pace only one day after the surgery.

It seemed that right from the start of the day yesterday things wanted to go well. She had a good night of sleep the night before. Helped fix a fence over at Mieke's house yesterday morning. Then when we got to the hospital things went ahead pretty much on time. About 1 hour after the surgery the oncology doctor came out and reported that no visual signs of cancer were apparent. Then a little ahead of time the general surgeon came out and reported that everything went very well.  It seemed that the time in the recovery room was a little longer than before but before very long Deb was being wheeled back to the room.  She had a huge smile on her face and she did not seem to have the shaking problems or recovering problems that she has had on earlier surgeries  It seemed like before she had what I call the Mac Truck being hit thereof look. This time it was all smiles, on her phone pretty quick and the like.  Totally different than before.

Deb had no sleep last night and only a few winks today but she is still in a good mood.  Hoping for a restful night tonight.  So far the vital signs are right on target and all the other stuff seems on the right track.  2-3 days before food but no real hunger pains are with that. When I think about it, it has been 4 days now without food.

It is Ross's birthday today.  So 31 years ago we were in a room like this and as I think about that Nov 28 somehow is just meant to be a good day.  Alden and Mary are here now, and Deb's parents stayed most of the day.  We have a nice set up here now with a TV with movie selections.  Deb looks like she could come home now but the duration of the stay (around 5 days) is intended to assure that the digestive process is working well before being released.  She still has the all time whopper of incisions right where the old one was, plus some bonus stiches to close where the ostomy incision was.  She is very conversant, has good color, a little feisty, and lots of thanks for a good outcome so far. Ken and Shelly and Sarah just left after a nice visit.

All in all a happy day, and soon to be on the way home. We caught an angel  this time.

Stan the Man:


  1. Stan, Excellent news! Thanks for sharing. I believe you have an angel ALL the time. It just doesn't feel like it some times. :-)
    Wishing you the best, Give Deb a hug for me! Take Care, Duane

  2. I am thrilled by the good news! Leah actually called me from Germany on Tuesday to tell me all went well. Wonderful news travels quickly - to Germany and back! Thinking of all of you all.


  3. Deb, I'm so glad to hear that everything went well on Tues! It was so nice to finally meet you in Church on Sunday, thank you for coming over to say 'hi.' You and your family will continue to be in my prayers.
    Katie T

  4. Hi Deb

    This note will probably come as a HUGE surprise, since we haven’t seen each other since you moved to Holland a bazillion years ago and left RTC and EL. I heard about your situation awhile ago from a mutual acquaintance, and I wanted you to know that I’ve been thinking about and praying for you and your family for months now. I’ve learned a lot from your blog. You are an amazing woman, beloved by many. My continued prayer is that our God will heal you completely and keep you and yours close to Him.

    Much love,
    Becky Patrick

  5. Being in a good mood does help people to recover faster from surgery
