Saturday, December 1, 2012

Taking Longer

Stan Here:

What we have here is the all time diet program. It has now been six days since any food or water.  We have been finding out that it is not all that unusual for things to take that long.  But the rules are no food and or water till everything inside starts working again and that has not happened yet.  I was kind of thinking Deb  might get out of here on Sunday at least but now it looks like it is going to be a few days longer. Once food is introduced it will still be a slow process and they want to prove that she can handle all types of food. They start with clear liquids and then move forward from there but that has not even started yet.  People ask "is she starving"?  Yes there is some hunger but not what you might expect for so long a time without anything.

I would say that boredom is part of the picture.  Other than the food issue she looks like she could go home now. Took 4 walks today and it looks to me it is easier for her to get up and down and around the hall than a few days ago.  I does seem like a long time to be up here.  You know you're in for a while when the people in the lobby that stamp the parking ramp passes know your name.

That's all for now.  We will update if anything new comes up.



  1. Hey Deb!
    Find yourself an old fashioned rocking chair. This has been a proven therapy for getting the bowels moving. This was printed on a huge wall hanging in the GI unit at MD Anderson. Try it!
    We hauled one into one of our church members hospital room who was the recipient of a kidney from another member in our church. Things were just not moving for him either. Brought in the rocker and things were moving soon after.
    Yes, I can imagine you might be bored. You are so used to non stop activity.
    Praying for progress SOON!!!!
    Love Linda B

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Deb, we have been following your journey and have been amazed by your courage and spirit. We are praying for healing so that you can leave the hospital soon. What wonderful news about a grandchild next year! We hope and pray that we'll soon hear that you are headed home.
      With our love and prayers,
      Ron and Sherrie
