Tuesday, December 25, 2012

The Stockings Were Hung by the Chimney with Care

Stan Here:

Some of the kids were over last night between the Christmas Eve services.  Seems like for years they have done something for the services.  Mieke had to lead something at 6 and then Ross and Rumy had to play at 11.  And that is way it has been for years.  Anyway you did not have to look all that far to sense than something was really different. The presents are not all that wrapped and the stockings are not all that stuffed.  What we decided to do is wait for Deb to get home before we have the annual celebration.  So they told me to keep watering the tree and with a little luck we can perhaps have everyone home again next weekend and enjoy a normal day with Deb around home again. We had thought about bringing some things up here for some sort of party but we all voted against that.

It is Christmas day.  It is hard to tell much progress but experience tells us that sometimes the pain after surgery can increase some in the first few days and that is what we have today.  It has been 5 times now that Deb's incision has been opened and closed.  I suggested the other day just installing a zipper but the fact that after they are done this is what things are starting to look like in her midsection.  Been one tough haul.  But the sensation now is that things feel like they want to start working and once that happens the road to home becomes a little shorter.  I could use a few gift suggestions so if anyone has any let me know. I think things go on sale Wednesday so we might be able to up the anty on the gifts this year now that they can make it out of the store and under the tree post Christmas.

We are doing OK .  Been really different but their seems many reasons for optomism. Her voice is good, her spirits are better, her hair is growing back in and she smiles more.  Keep you posted on any updates but that is what we have for now.



  1. Merry Christmas, Stan and Deb! I am sorry you are spending the day in the hospital. I am spending my day at Pennock Hospital, working, and I know that if patients are in the hospital over Christmas, it is because they are sick and most of them would rather be home.
    I hope you soon see signs of your gut working the way it is supposed to!
    Ellen J

  2. Debbie I know this is going to go well...you are strong in your Spirit, Faith and Trust and with such a fantastic family you can do it...The "Girls" would love to come and give you a Newfie Kiss and I a hug..although Breslyn may want to sit on your lap with Lily at your feet....just think of this as Therapy Dogs at work they will make you smile, laugh and hold your tummy and tell Ross that Breslyn would love to sing while he plays in a concert so to keep that in mind :) love you my friend

  3. Deb, I'm sorry you had to spend the holiday in the hospital, but it sounds as if you are the mend. That is the best present anyone can give or get. Love, Mary

  4. I'm sorry you have been so long in the hospital. I check every day hoping to see some good news, that you are heading home. I hope you are doing well and on the road to recovery. I'd love to come see you. Get every thing moving so you can head home. Debbie S
