Sunday, December 30, 2012

Day 34, What a Bore

Stan Here:

The hours turn to days, day to weeks and weeks to months. The last time I wrote it seemed like things were going in the right direction but since then everything has not made much progress.  We are told that it is just a matter of waiting and all we can really do is trust that is the case. Problem is that it is 34 days now and for Deb it is starting to feel like eternity.  It just plain and simple is a long time in the hospital and while she is doing the best she can with it it is really starting to wear on her.  It seems like everyday seems like the next day will bring in some news but it just does not happen.  Feels a little like climbing a mountain with no top. Last week Deb had a few moments of a broken spirit but the next day seemed fine again.  Today she had some issues this morning with nausea but that seemed to subside as the day went on.  I will post anything we have new but for now that's what we have.  Looking forward to better days which we remain confident will come.



  1. Deb and family,

    You are in my prayers daily. May God's great love surround you completely, and may your body work as He designed it to.

    Chad Boorsma

  2. Hi Deb and Stan,
    We had a wonderful message today in church about Heidelberg Catechism Q and A number 1. I quote: "What is your only comfort in life and in death?"
    "That I am not my own, but belong-- body and soul, in life and in death--to my faithful Savior Jesus Christ.
    He has fully paid for all my sins with his precious blood, and has set me free from the tyrrany of the devil. He also watches over me in such a way that not a hair can fall from my head without the will of my Father in heaven: in fact, all things must work together for my salvation.
    Because I belong to him, Christ, by his Holy Spirit, assures me of eternal life and makes me wholeheartedly willing and ready from now on to live for him."

    Remember when we had to learn that Q & A when we were growing up in the First CRC of Detroit? It always gives me comfort, and I hope that reading it tonight brings you some peace.

    Praying for you!
    Ellen Batts Jongsma

  3. Hi Deb,

    I am thinking of you and was glad to get Marcia's e-mail. Glad you came through the surgery OK, that is one good step. I recently had the experience of going through a similar situation as yours with a good family friend who had reconstructive bladder surgery....he had scar tissue which caused his bowel to kink. NG tube in and out, and then waiting, and then finally some movement (took a few weeks)and he was eating. We spent a lot of time walking up and down the hospital corridors to keep things moving. So I know your frustration.....but I know you will get through it. I am sure of it!!! Thinking of you. Stan thanks for the update. Terri Holden, nursing colleague.

  4. Deb
    I have been praying everyday for the road you are traveling will take a better direction. It takes alot to continue on a road you feel you will never get off. We dislike Hwy26 in South Carolina because it is flat, boring and nothing special to look at. The kids would always say "how much longer on this road?" at least when we exited the Hwy we would go right into the city and the kids new where we were and what was coming next and would even guess the time of arrival, when we would pass the Burger King etc...Your road has that flat unknown feeling. I pray that you will soon be of that road and on the road of more familar things. God is always there for tomorrow is planned, I know it is hard to just lay there and except the day and wish you could change it. (THAT IS WHY WE ARE HUMAN) May you feel our love and prayers and comfort. Everyone outside of the hospital seem to have the CRUD. I hope you will be home soon and we can have a visit. Love and hugs Nienhuis's

  5. I've been praying for you. Frustrated is probably how you feel. Keep up fighting that. It has to get better. I do know the feeling, mine is fighting cancer and doing chemo. God is in control and I rest in that. I don't know the reasons for things, but God does. Keep the faith.
    Love your friend Tammie

  6. My friend Deb-Happy New Year to you! 2013 is just around the corner and good things to come! I wish you were moving along quicker on your recovery. Can you want visitors at the hospital? If so. I can make the trip. We will celebrate tonight at Red Haven. Maybe tomorrow will be the break away day. You remain in my thoughts and prayers.
    Debbie S

  7. Deb...the prayers continue into the new year. May you be sustained by your strong faith and the faith of those around you. Fondly, Connie Tuma
