Friday, December 7, 2012

NG tube in

I thought I had better give an update. Still nothing good happening here at the hospital. I was so miserable and uncomfortable yesterday that they did an abdominal xray which showed I have an ileus (bowels not working) . They put down an NG tube (naso gastric) tube and hooked me up to suction. They got 3 liters of fluid out right away. My Dr. just came in, said they are going to start TPN  IV nourishment today. He assures me it will happen someday. So stay tuned................


  1. I keep checking for updates. Sorry to hear that there is still no "good news" to share. I guess it good that the doctors seem so optimistic. :-) Meanwhile you deal with the details.... Hang in there! Praying for movement.....

  2. Thanks for the update. I know you want to get the show on the road, and now. You remain in my thoughts and prayers.
    Debbie S

  3. And again I say....let the plumbing plumb!!! Peace and strength until then.
    David Blauw

  4. Hang in there, things will get working. Thank God for NG tubes and TPN, how miserable you would be without those. 3 liters that is impressive, I bet you felt better when that was out. Praying for intestinal movement :) Love your friend Tammie

  5. Will keep you in my prayers! Love Arloa

  6. Sorry things not going as we all hoped. Will continue to pray for you!


  7. Deb,
    I am so sorry your sluggish system is giving you trouble! I know how much I dislike NG tubes, so I am sorry you have to have that, too. We continue to keep you in our prayers.

    My daughter appreciated your visit to her when she was in the hospital after delivering Stephen. Thanks again for doing that!
    Ellen J
