Saturday, December 8, 2012

Not a small abscess, a Large One.......

Quick update. The CT scan showed that I have a 5cm x 25cm fluid filled pocket in my abdomen. For this reason they are going to put a drain in tomorrow am down in Interventional Radiology. They use the CT scan to help them see where they are going to place the drain in the right place. They will send some of the fluid to see if it is bacterial. This is almost getting ridiculous how many different complications I am having. Hopefully once the abcess is draining, my bowels will start to function better,

Some of you have asked about if I still have the NG tube in, yes, and they had to start another peripheral IV in my left arm. I feel like such a pincushion. The nurses are all giving me great care. It hurts to talk with this tube rubbing in the back of my throat. I have heard from many of you that have had the experience of an NG tube, you can relate to my discomfort.

I did have the unique experiece of seeing all three of my kids today. Stan was up with some more beautiful red carnations to rejuvenate the Christmas greens arrangement he gave me seems like a long time ago. Alden and Mary came by on their way to cut down their Christmas Tree. Mieke stopped by with two of her girl friends that were bridemaids. They were in town to see their new house.
Ross came by in between his two GRS concerts. He was getting quite the looks in his tuxedo. Probably the best dressed visitor this floor has seen in a while. It really is fun how EVERYONE smiles and comments on my IV pole Woody. I think everyone loves him.

I will let you know how the drain placement goes tomorrow. Stan needs to pick up one of his 96 yr old girlfriends for church tomorrow. He said he would come up in the am if I wanted him to. I said, no you
will be much more helpful doing a good deed.  Good night.....


  1. Deb, What a bummer that now you have to deal with an abscess! It is inspiring to us to see how you maintain your positive spirit. It also has a lot to do with healing. Keep it up! We will do the same. We love you. Lisseth & Roland

  2. Deb, our prayers are with you as you face another obstacle but may you feel God's presence and the prayers of the family of Beechwood Church. Greg TenBrink

  3. Fear knocked at the door and Faith answered. No one was

    -Old English Proverb

    Hugs from Karen K.

  4. Hi Deb,

    I feel so bad for all the complications you have to endure, and am praying for you to heal well and get back to your homelife!!! Always know your friends are here for you and love you:) Keep smiling, keep the faith, and keep your head held high because you are amazing!!! Love, Sara T.

  5. "The King of Kings lay thus in lowly manger, In all our trials born to be our friend; He knows our need, to our weakness is no stranger; Behold your King! Before Him lowly bend." That verse from "O Holy Night" isn't sung very often but it stirs my soul every time I hear it or sing it.
    I am hopeful that getting rid of that pocket of fluid will ease the pressure and allow fluids and soon food to go the right direction.
    I am in awe of the friends that surround you with so much love and care. Jackie always seems to know just the right thing to do. Who else would show up with Woody for the IV pole??? Love it!
    Deb, you have always lifted my spirits, no matter what was going on in my life, your smile and uplifting spirit would keep me going. I know you are gettting so weary of this obstacle course of recovery, but please know that we are plugging for you, pleading for you, praying for you to be healed in the name of Jesus our Savior.
    Please thank Ross for arranging for us to hear the wonderful concert this afternoon. It was ALL so good but the Hallelujah Chorus is still ringing in my ears. "For the Lord God Omnipotent reigneth, FOREVER!"
    So hang in there my dear friend. You are loved and needed.
    Linda Breen

  6. My dear Debra,
    OH MY Goodness, I just checked in with the blog and got all the news....and am so sorry to hear that you are still struggling. And I thought after the bile day peristalsis would return and outlook would be favorable. Lovenox, NG tube, IV's and the works....that is such a bummer I hope you have had some steps in the right direction today. What can I do? Bring? Are they slipping you some good stuff to help you tolerate the issues? I am available to do some Nurse Ratchet if you want....

    Loved the photo of you, Juve and Carlos. Inspite of the circumstances you look beautiful!

    Lots o love, Deborah

  7. Deb, I'm so sorry you're having all these problems. I am praying for you BIG TIME!
    Deb & Gary
