Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Hospital Day 15

Mieke was here tonight to help me post some misc pics.
This is the beautiful arrangement from my very special PEO sisters

It is beginning to look a lot like Christmas in my room. I am so glad, because it is my most favorite time of the year and I thought I would be home recooping in my recliner with my Christmas decorations up, but that has not happened yet. These have all helped to lift my spirits, the Christmas Tree from good friend and neighbor Vickie. Pointsettia plant from Jackie, mums and boxwood from Deb S. and Stan's original plant from 15 days ago that is haning in there, like me.
This was the other day before NG tube pulled. I was ALWAYS cold and had to use a blanket walking in the hallways, pretty pathetic looking I know.
Even Woody was bored and lonely up on the IV pole all this time by himself, so now he has his friend Jessie to keep him company. Jackie you are too much!   They make lots of people smile, which this floor needs badly.


  1. Poor Woody's feet look pretty deformed. On our next walk we should go to the ortho floor and see if they can suggest anything for his problem!! Jessie looks like she is still driving the IV pole.

  2. The Christmas program won't be the same without you today, but all will be thinking of you and sending wishes and prayers.

  3. The Christmas decorations look good. I'm sure Woody and Jessie are looking forward to "moving day", and so are you.
    See you soon,
    Conrad and Laurie
