Monday, February 1, 2016

A caucus of our own

Stan Here:

The way I understand these caucus things is that everyone in Iowa goes to a gym and they move from one corner to the other to be counted for a vote.  Not sure I have that exactly right but somehow I think by the time each one of the candidates votes they will have enough money spent on them to fill a pretty big piggy bank. Also not sure why they pick Iowa first but I think it has something to do with professor Harold Hill. I mean if he could sell all those band instruments out there it must be true that these politicians think they can sell some of their big ideas out there.  We will see what happens.

I know if we did a caucus here everyone we know would move to the side of the room that had a sign that said "No Pain" "No more Cancer" "Take up your Bed and Walk" and most everything else like that.  And the fact is that today Deb had a slight relief  from the deep levels of pain.  I emphasize the word slight here.  Anything is better though than the last week (or more) where it seemed like everyday things were getting worse.

Hospice has changed some of the pain meds.  They have increased a few and taken away a few others.  It seems like a fine line of keeping her alert and awake and it seems to me they are trying to find that illusive spot.

We did have a day yesterday of having the grandkids here with their parents. The old Deb smile was evident on a few occasions.  Have not seen that all that much of late.

I am not sure what caucus sign we are standing under here.  The challenge of this life is large though and the battle has some adventures with it that are really tough.  Maybe that would be a good banner for her to stand under, "Really Tough".  I would put my vote in for that one.  Not far away from that maybe a banner could hang that says "Really Nice".  Our friends and relatives could stand under that one.  I know from all of our family the people under that one would get all of votes.



  1. Thanks for the update. Is Deb up for visitors? I continue to pray for all of you.

  2. I tried writing a comment and it isn't on here so I'll try again. I'm glad your pain is not quite as intense today. Sue Vliet called and and asked how you are doing. They are all concerned about you and pulling for you. I'll ask Roland how to send this. Shirley

  3. Thanks for the update. We think of Deb and all of you constantly. We heard Deb is not up for visitors, that's why we haven't shown up. We are with you in spirit and in love.

  4. Thinking of you often - there are no words that seem adequate.

  5. My thoughts and prayers are with all of you. What a courageous fight!
    Sandy Buller

  6. Continuing the prayers for less pain.

  7. Thinking and praying for Deb and the family. Such a difficult time for everyone. Sending hugs to everyone.

  8. Thinking and praying for Deb and the family. Such a difficult time for everyone. Sending hugs to everyone.

  9. Prayers for my friend Deb, whose smiling face is etched in my mind! Love you Deb!

  10. Love and prayers from friends of Krista and Tim--I've been following your blog since the beginning and think of you all daily. May you find that 'sweet spot' for pain relief and use these days to say all you want to say when you can...

  11. Right now we're on vacation but I had Alan find Deb's
    Diary so I wouldn't lose track of your progress. I'm so sorry for the painful/uncomfortable days but rejoice when you're having a better day. Keep up the fight and know that my prayers are being heard by the Great Physician even when we're hundreds of miles apart from one another. May God bless you always.

  12. You are on my mind constantly, Deb. We continue to pray for adequate pain control and the ability to enjoy life to the fullest. Love you!
    Ellen Jongsma

  13. Deb - I think of you many times during the day and when I do - I say a prayer for you and your family. I am especially praying for relief of your pain! Glad to hear that you are enjoying some special time with your grandchildren. They are such a wonderful gift from God.
