Saturday, May 12, 2012

I'm getting there.....

Hi, I am going to try and write my own post today. Stan went up north to do some work on our place. Lots of trees down from storms, lawn mowed etc. He invited me to go along yesterday, but I am just not up for that yet.  Karen did call me to go down to catch a little Tulip Time on Thurs. She dropped me off with my walker close by and I sat on that thing like the queen. It is a handy thing for parade watching. We only stayed a little while, it was a nice day to be out and get some fresh air. Thanks Karen for getting me out.

Wed. the PEO group that Mieke and I are members of honored her with a gift and a shower before our meeting. It was so nice, it was at my friend Nancy's house. It was the most beautiful sunny day. This group has been so kind and supportive to us since the beginning of this crazy journey. It is such a blessing that Mieke happened to join the group last July, right before I got diagnosed. Mieke loves these women who the majority are much older than her, and they seem to feel the same about her. Not sure we have had a younger woman in the group who was getting married before, so that is why they decided to do something so special for her. She was given her orange (persimmon) colored Kitchen Aide mixer she registered for and also a generous gift of money. She was so touched, can't thank you all enough. The speaker we happened to have that day was from WAR (woman at war) and they work with young women who are involved with sex trafficking in this country and others. They have the most beautiful boutique where they sell things that these women make to help support themselves and their family once they get out of that life style. The store is on 44th Street in Grandville. Mieke just happened to be there the day before and purchased all her bridal party gifts from there. She was so happy to support a place like that where 9 out of 10 dollars goes directly to the women. Here are a few pictures of that day:

Had a nice visit with my friend Jodi today who has been in Florida for 6 months. Thanks for the gerber daisies and the cute bag Jodi, so good to have you back in town.

Today Ross and Rumy were in town for a little while, they played at a wedding of our good friends daughter. I knew I couldn't make the whole event, so I was not planning on attending the reception, but I always had in the back of my mind that maybe I could make it to just the wedding. Well, at the last minute I decided why not, I can sit there on pain pills the same as sit here, so I caught a ride with the kids and I am so glad I did. It was a beautiful wedding, gorgeous bride, and mother of the bride. Emily V. sang so nice with Rumy accompanying her. I remember being Emily's mentor when she was in middle school and joining the church. Now she is all grown up, a beautiful young lady and graduating from WMU early the end of this summer.

I took a picture of R & R with their graduation caps on today, they had to turn in the gowns and sashes. Here they are, you have to imagine them in gowns, from last Friday night.

Then they were off to GR where he had to play with the GRS tonight. It is a Pops concert, all Broadway show songs and half of the show is Andrew Loyd Webber stuff. He had a couple extra tickets, so guess what I may try and get to. First though we have to go to Rockford to my brother's church River Rock and hear Ken and Ross play the tune from Rocky, not sure why, but it should be interesting. Then because it is Mother's Day Ken invited us to all to come over for dinner. I am getting stronger, and I figure getting out is my PT and OT workout, right?

I wish all you out there a wonderful Mother's Day tomorrow. This will be an interesting week for me, I see my Dr. on Wed. and I find out lots of info that day, like how often chemo, can I drive now, etc??
My friends Jackie and Mel have been in Hungary at our friends Dave Zomer's wedding. He is a missionary in Sicilly. She will be joining him there after the wedding. Wish I could have joined you guys, sounds like you are having a wonderful time. Have a safe trip home tomorrow.


  1. Happy Mother's Day Deb! Glad to hear you are able to get out and do things! Praying...

  2. Happy Mother's Day to you, too, Deb! I thought I was going to be reading a short blog update, but you did lots! I love the sparkle in your eyes in the picture at the shower. You just look so much healthier in the past 2 weeks. Keep us updated on the doctor appointment so we know how to pray specifically for you. Love you, girlfriend.
    Ellen Jongsma

  3. Deb, I just loved looking at all the photos from the events you had on your "I WILL DO LIST"! Congratulations to your family for their accomplishments and congrats to you for your determination to attend them.
    I'm so happy for you to be back at home. I'm sure that will help in so many ways to you getting back to where you were before the surgery & infection. Cheers to getting back on track!
    Denise M

  4. Thanks so much for filling us in on your progress and very active life.
    After reading about Hope's graduation location fiasco - I needed a nap!!!!! You have amazing stamina.
    Congrats to Ross, Rumy and Mieke! Looking forward to seeing all of you at the wedding.
    Just me, Linda B
