Tuesday, May 1, 2012

The Drive to be Alive

Stan Here:

Day thirty five of this adventure-ordeal would appear at this point to bring a return trip to our home at around 11 in the morning on Wednesday. Looks like it is going to happen. I have tried think of some idea of welcome home but I think it is going to be a day that is going to have enough emotion. One of the issues has been that any exertion has brought with it some worn out feelings and I would expect that to continue for some time. For those of you closest to the situation, what has taken place is one of the more involved and advanced medical events that can happen.  I feel that I have been a witness to what I might call a grueling drive to survive.  I am sure Deb feels the same and the return home has been long awaited and worked for.

Allow me to post about the return home when it does happen. Even going to see if I can get a picture of it. I might suggest at that time a request of you that we extend some sort of cyber greeting. (e-mail or blog) Those of you that have done this before please know they have meant a bunch and they seem to be important right now. I will keep you posted.



  1. The only "welcome home" needed will be a hug and the feeling of being finally home. Please extend a hug from all the followers to Deb and carefully guard her time and energy-she will try to do too much. Much love, Shae

  2. Great news Stan and Deb.......the comfort of home will do wonders, but as you have been saying all along, go slow and easy. It is hard to keep a good person down, but try to take a few small steps every day as opposed to "giant" ones!! I am sure a few good rests on your own comfy bed and favorite chair will do wonders. We are all pulling for you.

    Terri, RN colleague and PEO sister.

  3. Deb,

    The day has finally come for you to get back home to your familiar surroundings. I'm sure that being in your own home and in your own bed will work wonders for your healing process. It has been a long and hard journey but if you take the time to look back you will see just how far you have come to get to this point.
    It was so good to see you again on Monday...I'm sure glad that Doctor Sharon and Nurse Ellen could spend a few precious minutes with you :)

    Help is only a phone call away so please give me a jingle if you needed anything at all.

    Love ya,
    Ellen Waterway

  4. Deb,
    I'm glad you will be home in a couple of hours. I can tell from your postings that you are very comfortable in your home and have tons of support to continue your healing. As a fellow RN I always encourage parents to take their babies home- they thrive in that environment - as I know you will also.
    Mary Abramson

  5. I will repeat what Shae stated above: The only "welcome home" needed will be a hug and the feeling of being finally home. Please extend a hug from all her friends to Deb and carefully guard her time and energy-she will try to do too much"
    So glad to hear she is coming home! Duane :-)

  6. Oh Debbie this is so exciting.....you will be so much better in your own surroundings, love and family...24/7....I am Praying for continued strength remember 2 cans of beans work great for weight lifts to excercise those arms...Lily will come over and walk with you too this will give you laughs, smiles and the effort to "Oh My" I need to keep up with her...love ya Debbie and know that you may get a visitor at some point....take care, char and lily

  7. There's no place like home...glad to hear you'll be there soon.
    Connie Tuma

  8. Welcome back to your own home! Hugs to you from Washington.

  9. Welcome home Deb!!!!!!!!! Now onto the healing! :-)
