Saturday, January 19, 2013

A Letter about no Better

Stan Here:

Wow,  Deb and I are sitting here in the family room and how we wish we could post a little something about progress. Very simply that is just not in the cards right now.  It has been a really hard week at home.  It is true that being home has some good things.  We kind of thought that just the idea of home and the lack of hospital procedure would bring some improvement.  Some of that is perhaps evident on the the mental side but we are at a standstill on the physical side. Very frankly some discouragement is in the picture right now.

Every night from about 8 till 8 the next morning Deb uses the IV.  Other than a few liquid treats still no food can be consumed.  Perhaps one of larger problems is that there is still .a lot a pain in the area the the tube is inserted in her midsection. So there is still a lot of stuff hooked up and managing all of that has kind of a pain in the rear feel to it. She is able to move around some and for brief periods disconnect the drain bag she has hooked up and shut off the tube that drains to that.  She just went up and took a shower so she is able to navigate the steps but just barely.  Last night she tried to sleep in the bed upstairs but that did not last all that long.  She feels the best in the recliner downstairs.  I think they sew that tube in so tight that some bend feels the best to her when she is sleeping.  She has been sleeping well and that is a good thing. Perhaps the largest problem is that somehow the feeling of nausea seems to be there all the time.  I cannot relate in total but it is painful for me to know that she does not seem to be able to rid herself of this no matter what she does and what she takes.

So that is it for now. Not all that much fun to write and even worse to endure. We pray for the day of normalcy and you can be sure when that comes we will post it in caps.  Thanks once again for staying with us.



  1. Praying for less pain, and more progress. Non-stop nausea is hard to endure. Praying for no more nausea.
    Prayer Warrior @ work 4 U.

  2. Hi Deb,

    Just checking in on you this evening.....Glad you are home. I am not glad to hear that you are still having pain....I hope it resolves soon. A prayer for you from me.

    Hugs, Terri H, PEO

  3. Deb,

    I am sad to hear that despite being home, you are still feeling crummy. I continue to pray for you and have added specifics now (less pain/nausea and more GI motility.) Hopefully this will help----and speaking of help, do you need any or anything? You know how to get ahold of me if you do. Hoping that the next letter is about "lots better". Claudia M. (BBC)

  4. So very sorry to hear of you continued struggles. Constant nausea is so hard to deal with. I will continue to pray for full healing. You're smiling face is missed at the BBC. Diana C

  5. I reflect on your life, all that has been SO good, all that you have done, all the lives you have touched, the beauty you have brought to this world because of who you are, your smile, your wisdom, your care for the poor and the sick...and I shake my head in bewilderment as to why you must continue to suffer. I cry out to God, "Enough!" "Stop!" Of course I know that pain and suffering is not because of who we are or what we have done, but I fall into that "humaness" and wonder, "Why Lord?" "How long?"
    So many of us continue to pray and we won't stop.
    I hope you find moments of joy. So many are glad to have you with us. Maybe at times you want to give up, but then you look into the eyes of your family or a friend and somehow you carry on.
    Please Lord, restore this dear friend and take away her pain and nausea. Amen
    In His love, Linda Breen

  6. Deb,

    Since I started this journey you have been an inspiration to me. I feel like my journey pales in comparison to yours. I pray you feel better quickly. I know first hand Nausea is not a fun feeling. Will be thinking of you often as I await my final surgery.
