Saturday, January 12, 2013

I'm Finally HOME!!!!!

After 49 days at Spectrum, I was able to come home today. The weather was a balmy 57 degrees when getting into the car. Mieke and Stan came to get me. I had lots of stuff to bring home after 7 wks. I took my first good nap in my recliner this afternoon. There really is no place like home!

I can't say I feel very good yet. The pgj tube hurts alot. They really sew it in tight,so that is a sorce of real discomfort, I'm sure it will get better every day. I try to clamp the tube shut as much as possible until I get nauseated, and then I open it up and it drains lots of bile. The goal when it is clamped is for it to go DOWN rather than out the stomach tube.

The Infusion company delivered two large boxes of stuff this afternoon. My refrig is now full of bags of TPN IV nutrition. The home health nurse came tonight at 6pm and started to teach me how to do it myself. It will run for 12 hrs every night. Another nurse will come back tomorrow night to make sure I feel comfortable with it all.

Mieke went to the store and got lots of clear liquid things for me and then made some jello when she got back. She is great!! She also had all that stuff to try and put away at home. She also went to the pharmacy and had all my prescriptions filled.

Stan seems very happy to have me home, I think he was getting plenty lonely.

I want to thank you all again for being my pray warriors. I can feel the support and love from you all. Please continue as I have a long way to go before this is over. I will so enjoy not having IVs beeping all night and being woke up for vital signs!!  Deb


  1. How wonderful for you and your family. I hope you sleep like a log tonight. Sweet dreams.
    Debbie S

  2. Thanks be to God for such great news! I'll keep praying for complete healing. Enjoy your time in the recliner. :)

    Chad Boorsma

  3. Deb,
    I'm sooooo happy to hear u finally got to come home! I will pray for your continued health and strength! All praise and glory goes to God, the ultimate healer!!

  4. Such wonderful news!! Finally. LIPEO Shae

  5. Many of us who have been in the hospital for a week or more, either for ourselves or with a very close loved one, know just how uplifting and precious it is to be home again. Lisseth and I are very happy for you. Roland

  6. Glad to hear you are finally back home, Deb! I can only imagine how wonderful it must feel to be in your warm and cozy home again. I imagine that your recovery will be faster there. Thinking of you every day!


  7. I think you earned and deserve some peace and quiet after all those hospital hours, days, & weeks! Enjoy and may healing come quickly so things will be normal for you, once again. Love & prayers from Al & Cora

  8. So, so happy to hear that you're in the best possible place to be; namely home. I'll stop by soon, hopefully with some homemade soups once the doc says you can handle it.



  9. Good news Deb. We continue to pray for healing for you. You are loved by so many people. Rest, rest, rest.

  10. Wowie what great news! Sleep well with no beeping pumps! deborah

  11. There is no place like home. God is good. The prayers will continue, Deb.
    Connie Tuma

  12. I will be happy to come by hourly and disturb any peace and quiet you might try and find. I will bring along a bar code reader to beep your wrist several times, poke and prod you and wake you to see how you are feeling! I don't want you to have Spectrum withdrawal too quickly!Oh, I will also buzz your house a few times daily and at night with my trusty helicopter so you don't miss that noise either! Who doesn't need a friend like that!! I am so glad you are home!

  13. HaPpY, HaPpy for you.

  14. Hi Deb!!! I am so sorry that you haven't heard from me!! But don't think I haven't been praying and thinking of you and your family because for certain I have!! I am so relieved to hear you are back home!! I will keep praying and hopefully soon you will have this all behind you!! I pray you can sleep well between beeps and get stronger every day!! You are strong and I keep praying that God keeps you close and helps you bear this burden because it is very heavy!! His plans are so confusing sometimes! But you sure are showing all of us that you are relying on Him and trust Him, what an example you are for all of us! So in awe of you! love and hugs and prayers for better days ahead!! mary leeuw

  15. I am hoping by now the pgj tube is hurting a little less. I was so happy when I called you Saturday to see if Ed and I could stop at Spectrum and found you had escaped and blew that popsicle stand for friendlier, comfier digs in your home sweet home!

    I am sure Stan is glad you are back home again, too. Keep updating us on what you need and even what you want! Love you!
    Ellen J

  16. Debbie I think of you so much! you and your entire family have been in my thoughts and Prayers. I Pray that you are getting restful nights and less pain and that soon your body will do what it is suppose to do "OK colon lets get things moving on down and out" I am sure this wasn't even a thought as it wasn't mine when I knew you were having surgery in November. Just think of this as a small bump in the road and a time for you to get stronger and you are in your home....if you need a small lap warmer approx. 80 some lbs. just let me know as I have one that would love to help you....and she would definitly put a smile on your face. take care my you, char, lily and breslyn (aka the naughty one)
