Monday, January 7, 2013

Finally some good news!!

My surgeon was just in here to see me and he was very happy with the results of the CT scan I had today. It makes him optomistic regarding the future. There is no abcess, occlusion or obvious reasons for concern. So he and the colo/rectal surgeon confabed together and they both think with time, thinks will start working.

I did have my NG tube put back in yesterday am, I could just not stand the pain and pressure of all that bile building up in my stomach. Now, I think I have a cold and that really is a challange with all the suction tubes etc. I will make it through this, and laugh about it some day, SOME day. Dr. thinks that hopefully tomorrow it will come out..

Stan and Mieke have told me the number of friends and church members who send their concern and prayers. I thank you so much for the beautiful cards and notes, they keep me going.

I do check my work email occassionally, and thought it was time to update my manager from work. To my surprise her daughter had a baby boy today at 25 6/7 wks, wgt. 1lb 5 oz. right at the Children's Hospital that is right out my window that I stare at all day and night. If  you could add a prayer for a very little boy that would be appreciated.


  1. There is cheering in Tulsa, where a whole lot of folks have been praying for you. (And encouraging me.)

    Thanks for updating us...I was just about to call you.

    Did you listen to the January Series today? Call me when you get the NG tube out & can talk easier. Need an amaryllis update. :)



  2. Deb,

    Lately I have been holding my breath when I open your blog page. Praying that there hasn't been another set back for you. Today I was rejoicing to see your Blog title. :-) So we are back to praying for your system just to kick back into its natural rhythm. Praying that it happens TODAY! Thinking of you!, Duane

  3. It's about time that you are due GOOD NEWS! So happy for you that the CT looked great! Hang in there and we'll keep you in our prayers.

  4. Hey Beautiful ~ have you tried that rocking chair method??? Honest - the success of this rocking to get peristalsis (sp?) going is proven to be effective by a high percentage. Apparently it is that constant rhythmic motion that seems to be the key.
    I am SOOO happy that the CT scan showed no problems. You needed that reassurance to renew your spirit of hope.
    Praying here with even greater fervor and anticipation. We love you a ton!
    Linda Breen

  5. I am so happy to read that the CT showed nothing "bad". I was in Holland the past 2 days and Stacy and I tried to get Stan to come for supper, but it did not work with his schedule. I will try to visit sometime this weekend---I am on my 3 twelves in a row at work.
    It must be yucky to have a cold and a Nasogastric tube! Praying, praying, praying.........
    Ellen J
