Thursday, March 29, 2012


Hello all, Mieke here. I'm writing on Dad's fancy shmancy iPad. I said goodbye to mom about an hour ago in the pre surgery room and it says she still hasn't gone into surgery. I'm not sure why but it might have something to do with the epidural. She knows that it worked well last time for pain stabalization and would like it again this time. I got a feeling from the Dr. that he doesnt usually like to use them but they will do it anyway. So for now the sign says "in surgery intake" and I will write again when she is in surgery. They said it would be about two or three hours in surgery. Thank you for every prayer, email, text, card, fb message, etc. When I asked her if she was nervous she said no, but was just anxious to hear some news. They also asked if she would like to be under for the epidural and she replied, "No, I think it is interesting, I'd like to be awake." She is a brave woman. I am so hoping for good news. Much love, Mieke

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