Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Mello Yellow Jello

Just heard from Spectum that surgery is scheduled for 10:55am. You know what that usually means when you are not the first one on the schedule?? Delays, that is what that means. Oh well, at least we don't have to be there in the dark. We have to be there at 8:55am. Can't they just round it out to the nearest half hour?

Just had my yummy yellow jello for lunch. I can look forward to my broth for supper.


  1. Will be praying for you, Stan and the surgeons!


  2. Hi Deb and Stan,
    I was getting a little behind in reading each of your blogs. I'm so happy that you both got in a little travel and relaxation and that the energy level was up a bit off chemo! We will be praying for a good outcome tomorrow, and maybe some surgeons who look on in amazement that things look so much better in there! Love you! Ellen Jongsma

  3. Deb-
    Hi. I continue to enjoy reading your blog. I'm glad that you had a nice trip too! I will be thinking and praying for you during your surgery/recovery time. Keep up the positive attitude. Sonja :)

  4. We will be thinking of you tomorrow and will keep you in our prayers! Here's to getting this behind you and getting you on the fast road to healing!!

  5. Praying praying praying! Let us know right away how it went. Love you, Karol
