Thursday, February 21, 2013

1st Post Op Day went WELL

Aside from having quite a bit of incisional pain, this day has been good. I am so glad I have not been nauseated.  My parents have been keeping me company and helping me all day with all the tubes, IV's, PCA pumps, etc. They arrived right before they took me back to the OR. My Mom forgot her phone charging at home, so she was very surprised that instead of being finished and coming out of the OR, I was just going in. The Drs. were very pleased that I didn't have as many adhesions as the last time. Instead of surgery taking 3-4 hrs, it was only 2 hrs and 15 minutes. They reattached the ileostomy and they also took quite a few biopsies. Ross came to see me in between his rehearsals. I was in the recovery room and my Mom talked them into letting him get to see me in there. I was very painful the whole time in the RR. They have got a bit better control now with a dose of Dilaudid every 3 hrs and a Dilaudid PCA pump. (Patient controlled Anesthesia).  I have had very nice nurses who have been coming in with my meds on time, which is so appreciated.

I wanted to tell  you about this wonderful service they provide out of town guests. My parents could stay at this lovely Hospitality House connected to Spectrum. For $25 bucks and if they were full, they would give they a discount at the close by Holiday Inn.

The good news is that my ileostomy is already putting out some stool, which means things are going well. No temp which is also great news. I did not sleep very well last night even with an Ambien, so I am feeling pretty tired now and expect to get a better nights sleep. I am very excited to have this surgery  done and and looking forward to recoverying. Good Night Everyone.


  1. Hi Deb,

    Thanks for the uplifting update!(hey....I am trying to compete with Stan in the "rhymning" department!!!) Reconstruction and working already is very good news. Glad your mom could be with you. Blessings and speedy move out of Spectrum.
    Hugs, Terri H.

  2. hi deb............yeah for the good to hear you sounding like the old deb again.. praise god.. blessing to you and a speedy recovery my friend. love karen k

  3. Even though the subject matter is serious, the blogs you and Stan write or so much fun to read. I think you should publish the whole thing. It would be a best seller. Recover quickly so you can get started. I would enjoy telling my book group friends that I live next door to a published author.
    Mary Claire

  4. Good news ! Maybe there's a cheeseburger on the horizon ? Helen

  5. PRAISE GOD!!! what an AWESOME GOD we serve, he hears and answers are prayers. So good to hear you are doing well. It sounds like you are in much better shape than prior to surgery. Love and prayers Bonnie I will wait and visit at home and bring some supper. I bet Meike still has the soup frozen.

  6. Deb,
    I am so happy, and relieved for you. Happy your parents are there also. It made me tear up.

  7. Hooray for Dr Fig x's two - for you and for Kent!!!! I heard you came to the surgery waiting area - what a trouper you are!! I'm sure seeing you doing so well was so encouraging for Kent and Leah and his mom and sister too.
    But most of all we say "Hooray God!!!" Two people with Stage IV cancers are responding well to chemo drugs and surgeries (with a few twists and turns along the way) and living to testify to His healing love. So thankful that He has answered our prayers for life and healing. The Lord gives and the Lord takes away, blessed be the name of the Lord.
    Praying that you continue to heal, that the pain disappears
    and that you can get to do what all expectant Grandma's do - SHOP!!!!!!
    Love you!
    Linda Breen

  8. So glad to read some good news about your recovery! Hoping you get and a good night's sleep and you are in our prayers as you get back on the road to health. You are a huge inspiration and a pillar of strength and determination!
