Tuesday, February 19, 2013

"Twas the night before surgery...

Quick update about todays events:

The colonoscopy showed that I have a complete obstruction at the site of the last surgery where they did the anastomosis.

I now have another PICC line placed in my arm and it hurts! I think it is placed very close to a nerve and I hope that feeling goes away.

I just watched MSU lose in basketball :( Great game though.

I did have two handsome visitors today even though it was terrible weather out. Stan and Ross were up here around lunch time. Ross drove in from Lansing to play with the GRS for the 5th graders , but because school was cancelled, his event was cancelled.

I thank all of you who have sent me your kind words of support and prayers for surgery tomorrow. I hope I can sleep...


  1. Deb:
    We will be in prayer for you and the family. We ask God to guide the Doctors, nursing staff and anesthesia as the take you to surgery. God is in the midst of the storm. I think so often when Stan writes and I understand how you speak in the medical and heart and he has the language of the storm and what the true feeling is to the ones looking on. You are an amazing pair and I hope that this will be the begining of the calming of the waters. Love and prayers, Curt Bonnie and Michael

  2. Hi Deb and Stan,
    Thanks for the quite graphic update (Stan) and then the more gentle(Deb)update! :-) I know you two too well.

    We will be praying tomorrow for your surgeons, nurses and anesthesiologists or CRNA's; We pray that they will feel the guiding hand of God as they perform surgery on you. They know your insides so well (sigh) and I am sure that they are pondering the ins and outs of how difficult things were the last time. Strategizing is always a good thing! For you I will be praying for peace about the difficult decision you had to make.

    Grace, mercy and peace be with you ALL tomorrow---your kids,your siblings, both sets of parents, and the many friends who are walking beside you on this journey.

    Lots of love.
    Ellen J

  3. We're praying for you at the Millikan house...and at Bible study tomorrow night.

    Love, Deb & Gary

  4. You are such a beautiful and loved child of God. I greatly admire your strength and sense of humor when most people would be bitter after so many trials. I am praying for you right now and will continue to pray for you all day. I sure hope to see your smiling face again soon at the BBC. Diana Connell
