Monday, February 4, 2013

Saw G.O.D. today..........

My oncologist's name is Gordon O. Downey, so I often say, I have to go see GOD today, and that is exactly what I did. My parents were here for the weekend, stayed overnight after watching the
Super Bowel game. They dropped me off on their way home. We did get a chance to stop for a little while and see my sister who is here from Tulsa, helping to care for the new addition to our family, little Charlotte Mary Jane Dozeman. Becky Dozeman is Krista's middle daughter who lives in GR and had her little girl a week ago. She is darling and Great Grandpa and Grandma V. were very happy to meet and hold her.

The visit went fine, I had an exam and he said the CT scan was clear, but he did remind me that woman like me, 75% of them have a reoccurance of the cancer. So he just wanted to remind me of that fact. They drew my blood and I find out the CA-125 tomorrow. He expects it to remain normal, but would not be suprised if it is up a bit, because of all the stress from surgery.

I called Dr. Scholten, my surgeon's office today to hear the results of the CT scan as far as they were concerned. They report that it looks OK, nothing to suggest that there was a blockage. So, I am now hooked up to my tube feeding which is pumping Boost Formula right into my small intestines, hopefully trying to stimulate them to wake up. I start out slow, like 10ml/hr and increase it my 5ml/hr per day until I am up to 45ml/hr.

The good news is that last Thurs. a few hours after my CT scan I did pass a couple of times a small white formed Barium stool proved to me that things can go all the way through and I was very excited. But, I couldn't stay happy for too long, because with all that barium in me I felt awful for a couple of days, until I vomited a whole bunch on Sat. am and then started to feel, much better.

I know this is just TMI, too much information, but this is what you all have been praying for, I know. It is weird having so many people praying for my bowels, but please don't stop, because I would really like to start eating again someday soon!!

Stan says I write these blogs way too medical, but that is the only way I know how to explain it.
The Dr. asked me today, How are you doing emotionally??  I said I think OK. I am starting to figure out this may take awhile, and I can't stop living. To sit home in my recliner and feel sorry for myself that I can't eat won't work. So, I am going to try hard to start living again, and do it around my TPN and tube feedings. It means a lot to me that so many of you are thinking and still praying for me, sending emails, cards, texts and visits. I am not nearly as nauseated anymore, so I am ready for company.   Love, Deb


  1. Great news! Not TMI, nor too medical. Glad the nausea has lessened.

  2. Deb, you remain my hero for courage and tenacity. Not to mention positive thoughts. OK now B O W E L S let's get busy and start producing. Your vacation is so totally over ! Love and hugs along with prayers always. Lynn

  3. You are so amazingly brave and courageous. Your faith serves you well and your friends are still praying. Thanks for the update.
    Sandy Buller

  4. We appreciate the "medical" talk! You are a true inspiration to us all! Sending love to you from the BBC family :)
    Lesli Teed

  5. yep love ya Deb and praying for healing and normal "function"!!!
    Sara T

  6. The prayers will continue until your healing is complete. My prayer group keeps asking, "How's Deb? Any updates on Deb?" So there are many bringing your concerns to
    God's throne...and what better place to leave them?

    Chad Boorsma

  7. Glad to hear that things are starting to "move". Every day that I go to work, someone asks "How's Deb doing?" so we do miss you, care for you, pray for you and think of you often. Claudia M. (BBC) :)

  8. Deb, so glad numbers were good....prayers silk continue and certainly appreciate updates :) Suzanne

  9. Hey, I was getting chemo yesterday. I was there at 930-1100. What time were you in? I would have love to see you. Glad things are starting to move along. Still praying for you frequently. Tell Stan medical is the way nurses talk. I love the information :) Hanging there. You'll be fine. Love your friend Tammie

  10. Glad to hear that your tests went well.

  11. I love the info. Keep it coming.
    We are thankful they have figured out what can be done to keep you going til the bowels get back from vacation.
    We just keep praying for movement soon, for no nausea, for energy and stamina to do what you want to do.
    Love you
    Linda B

  12. Prayers for you from Pennsylvania as well.
    Collene & Alan

  13. Deb,
    Thanks for the update. I see many positives to your post and that is a very good thing! We continue to pray for strength and healing. What a LONG and WINDING road..... Praying for a smooth patch up ahead. :-)
