Tuesday, February 26, 2013

I'm Home

I wanted to let you all know that I was discharged this afternoon from Spectrum. They removed my PGJ tube at 8am. They removed my PICC line a little later, so slowly I was getting rid of all the extra tubes from my body. It felt great. I am still quite painful. They explain it to me that all my body has been through, it is just not going to react to the pain meds like it used to. I feels good to be able to eat again, even though things don't taste quite the same. I'm sure that will change with time.

Thanks for all the prayers. This time when the Dr. said I would be there 5-7 days after surgery, it came true.........


  1. Great news Debra! Take it easy and I am sure with some home cooking things will taste better. Sounds like you have another storm to deal with....Baby Lucy came home today also, hopefully Ramona will join us soon.

  2. No better two words have been spoken here for awhile. :-) "I'm Home"
    Will continue to pray for healing and strength.
    Take Care, Duane

  3. Wonderful news! Praying for quick healing. Hopefully pain free.

  4. So glad! This time I am hopeful you are home for good! You are an amazing strong woman- actually a strong family! Looking forward to cooking for you- as soon as you feel you are ready to really EAT! Bananas, swiss steak probably taste wonderful!
    Another Deb Bl in the neighborhood.

  5. finally caught up on your blog! i am so happy you are home and am praying that things are going as well as you could expect and that you are able to eat a bit! also praying for good pain control and good restful sleep!
    love and hugs, mary leeuw

  6. I just read about your latest surgery and am glad to hrlear that you are home and they were able to bypass your obstruction and get your system moving. Hope you will have less pain and more good food soon.when you are feeling better hope to see you when I come to Holland. Fran hackney

  7. Great news, Deb. Hope to see you at PEO!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Terri H.
