Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Just the Facts

Stan Here:

Surgery is over, Deb is alive, she is sore, but she is in her room, Able to smile some, talks a little softer but looks pretty good considering everything. We have had notes from many, prayers from many and Deb has been able to feel that. Thanks for all of your kindness thoughts and prayers as we now face the process of recovery. We have been told 5-7 days here if all continues to go well.

Surgery was delayed 2 hours and the one little story I have from this day is that right before the whole thing started Deb went down to the gift shop with her IV pole. She went right for the baby stuff and spoted a little pink outfit. On the front of that thing is said "If you think I am cute you should see my grandma". so even in facing a big deal like this she has her eye on the future. Mary and Alden are having a little girl in June and my money is on us reacing that day with her Grandma feeling a lot better than she does right now.



  1. Did you buy it or just look at it?

    1. I think she wanted to see how she looks in a month or so. Right now she is not feeling all that cute.


  2. So glad that all went well for you today. Hopefully this time you will be home in 5-7 days. You will be in my thoughts and prayers for a peaceful night and bright news tomorrow. Sleep tight.

  3. Thoughts and prayers were with you during surgery. So thankful surgery is completed and pray that your recovery is speedy so that you can be ready for your granddaughter.
    Dena B.

  4. Thankful for answered prayer and that you are in your room and on the road to recovery. Please know most babies do not have a whole lot of hair and others are blessed with a head full, you should know from expierence. You are beautiful and I am sure the granddaughter will be too. I have never doubted you will be an awesome Grandma. Stan will be a little softy too... sleeping in recliners with them in your arms is an amazing thing. Your recliner will be much more comfortable with a baby in your arms. Love and prayers for recovery and hope food is in the near future. Bonnie

  5. Hi Stan and Deb,

    Thanks for the great report. Glad to hear it is over. No more hospital visits. Stan, you are amazing!!

    Terri H.

  6. Deb,

    You made it through another surgery! You continue to amaze me. Get better fast so we can go out and fatten you up with a nice lunch at Phil's.


  7. Glad to hear it's over--will continue praying for complete healing and a big juicy cheeseburger in your future!
    Blessings on both of you. Carole H
