Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Great News!

Got a call from the Dr.s office today, my CA-125 level was 32 yesterday!! The normal range is below 35. I am so happy.

I had a wonderful day at IKEA with Rumy and Jackie. With the beautiful sunny weather it was a great day to travel. We also stopped at Marshalls and Trader Joes. Have not been there in much too long. Got a case of Two Buck Chuck. I felt so good today, wore my "long" wig all day and almost forgot that I was "sick". I walked more today than I have in a long while. So my conditioning for return to work has officially begun.  Met my Mom and Nancy in the cafeteria for lunch. So much fun talking and planning for Hawaii trip next week.

We dropped Rumy off at home in Lansing, helped her rearrange a bit and put out some of the things she bought. She made us a wonderful dinner, appetizers, stuffed pork chops and salad from Trader Joes. So fun. Ross had to be at Grand Valley with the GRS for a rehearsal and then a performance at noon tomorrow, so we took his suit along, and he will be spending the night here tonight. Will save himself an extra trip.

Got a surprise when I arrived home, a beautiful orchid plant sent by my sister Krista. She wrote in the card, " Just a touch of Hawaii as you prepare for the trip!" It will bloom for 8-12 wks. so I will get to enjoy it when we return to remind us of the flowers of Kauai. I love it!! Thanks so much, you are the best!


  1. The best for the best! Love you and can't wait to hula together in Hawaii.

    Aloha baby,

    Krista & Tim

  2. It is so good to hear your numbers are normalizing! A trip to Hawaii sounds fantastic! Which Islands will you visit? I love Maui and Kuaui the most. I imagine your co-workers are happy to hear you will be back in the near future too! Love ya, Deb and you too Krista!

  3. Happy Dance time!!! God is GOOD all the time. He is forever faithful to us. So, happy about your Ca125 being normal. If your in for chemo on the 23rd, I see Dr Downey and stop in and say Hi. Til then Tammie
