Thursday, January 5, 2012

More energy today

Had my two units of packed red blood cells yesterday and I believe I could feel it today. It was not as hard to get up off the couch. Had some blood work done today, did not hear the results yet. I should get a call tomorrow. I guess they wanted to make sure my platelets did not continue to fall and they started going up.

Mieke and Aaron came over for a while this afternoon and helped me get most of the Christmas decorations down. They were a big help. It is kind of sad for me when it's time to pack up Christmas, but in another way, it is nice to get rid of all the clutter and get back to a cleaner look.

Tomorrow when it's supposed to reach 46 degrees, I will take the lights off the bushes outside.

 I am having a hard time thinking about waiting until the end of the month to know what my future involves, surgery, no surgery??? Job, or no job??? I sure am glad we have the trip to look forward to keep my mind off contemplating the future.......


  1. Dear Deb,

    It is so hard to do this, as I know from personal experience, but try to remember that your future is in God's hand and it is part of His perfect plan. Praying that you can focus on the near future (Hawaii!!) rather than the longer term so you can enjoy this trip with us. Looking forward to hearing how your platelets are responding.

    Hope you and Mieke have fun today learning from your mother-in-law how to braid those rugs.

    God bless you!

    Love, Krista

  2. Debbie

    I'm so sorry to hear what your going through, I just found out this week. I love you and I'm praying for you, Hopefully, we can get together soon.

    Kathy Kosinski
