Monday, January 30, 2012

Chemo Day #19 update

The nurse had just removed my IV access to my port, and she noticed that my cheeks were nice and rosey like a peach. After a few minutes my face was bright red and I was hot and flushed. They went and got the Dr. and main chemo nurse and they checked me out. I wasn't having difficulty breathing and my lungs were  clear but the red patches were going down my neck and chest. Sooooooo, they had to restart my IV access to my port (which was not numb this time) and ran fluids in me and told me I wasn't going anywhere for a while. After about an hour I felt better and they said I looked a lot more normal (whatever that is).  I finally got home around 5pm, long day.

The nurse did pass me a note while I was waiting to leave and it said my CA-125 today was.....22 !!!!!
My fellow chemo pt. Tammi was not there today to dance with, so I had to do it in my mind. I think that counts. More answers to prayer. Please pray that the chest x-ray and CT scan come out good tomorrow.
Thanks for caring. Deb


  1. Hi, Deb. I have posted before. I need to figure out how to get a google account. However, more importantly, I am hoping and praying for great results on your CT Scan. My husband's PET scan is at the end of the month. He has lymphoma. I know that I left that message before but you have so many fans I just wanted to say it again. Cancer is so challenging. I'm so happy that you had a nice trip to Hawaii and have so many friends to get you through this! Steve has been off work for over a year. I know it's not easy not working but you have to help your soul along too! I will be waiting to see your results. I will be praying for you! Sonja

  2. Deb, many things come to mind:
    a. CA-125=22=YIPPEE
    b. love the photos and Stan's reflection of Hawaii. I'm gonna let Joe see the photos of the memorial b/c he wants to see it someday too.
    c. Sad about you and work, but you know that God will work it out if it's meant to be.
    d. Glad that you had your reaction when you did, so they could fix it pronto (and it sounds like they did just that!)
    e. I keep praying for you daily and will continue.....hoping for good news with your recent tests too.

    Miss you! Claudia M.(BBC)

  3. So glad to hear your numbers are good! Loved the blog about Hawaii. Never been, but would love to go. Who did you get your tickets thru? Hope to see you Friday at El Rancho!

  4. Every and Gary get main billing in my prayers....every night.
