Thursday, January 12, 2012

Waiting for the Snow Storm...

First I want to thank everyone for their kind works of celebration with me for the latest test results. I thank God for answering our prayers. The chemo is working. Today I got calls from Spectrum Health and I scheduled two important appts.  First, is my CT scan and chest x-ray which will be done on Tues. Jan. 31. Please pray that the chest x-ray is clear, that they don't see any cancer in my lungs. I guess I pray too that they don't see any cancer on my CT scan, but the Dr. said, even if it looks clear, they still will probably want to take a second look surgically to remove whatever they can.
The second appt. is with the Spectrum Genetics Clinic on Tues. Feb. 14. They first talk with you to see if you are a good candidate to have the testing, If I am they proceed with the blood draw and do the testing, etc.

That morning before my genetics appt. I have my 9 month appt. with Dr. Kryshak, my thyroid cancer dr. who regulates my thyroid medicine. I think it will be my last appt with him. I will have my primary care dr. regulate that. I just want to see him once to see how chemo and this new cancer may effect my dosage etc. I'm sure he will say I need to continue seeing him, but not so sure that is true. Any thoughts out there? He has only changed my dosage one time in all these yrs.

The clean for a reason person was here for a couple hrs. again this am. That is such a nice service they provide. They really only concentrate on the downstairs, living area, where you may have people in to visit, and you don't want it to look too "lived in".

I attended my second Calvin Series simulcast today at Christ Memorial Church. The speakers are so interesting, and you always learn something you didn't know before. I would strongly encouraged anyone to attend them. They are all over the US and the world I guess, at different churches.

I am definitely feeling the effects of the chemo today. My energy has dropped and thinking about going on a treadmill and returning to work is not quite as appealing as on Monday.

I am praying for my niece Libby who has a follow up appt with her oncologist. I hope and pray for a good report Lib!!

If I don't get snowed in tomorrow, I look forward to breakfast and lunch out with friends. Tough life huh??

I continue to get cards from special people, mostly from my church.Thank you so much, they mean a lot.


  1. Deb-

    I have taken synthroid for 24 years and saw an endocrinologist for the first 10 years or so. I have since had my general practitioner regulate my dosage and I have a blood test once a year. Everything has worked out just fine. My dosage has only been changed three or four times in all these years. So, I personally would say switch. HOWEVER, I did not have thyroid cancer, just an under-active thyroid, so you do have other considerations.

    To be honest, I didn't really care for the endocrinologist I saw and I have a lot of faith in my GP, so it was a good choice for me.

    Hope this helps you in making your decision.

    Take care of yourself, friend!

    Margaret Buckley

  2. Deb, It is great that you are getting such good news on your progress. I think a trip to Hawaii will be just the thing to get you back to work and through the rest of your treatment.
    Love, Mary Martens Abramson

  3. Dear sister,

    Just wanted you to know Libby got a great cancer-free report today. Another prayer answered. We leave tomorrow AM for Hawaii. Got a couple of things to do yet before bed...see you on Kauai in a week or so!

    Love you!

    (Great orchid photo, by the way.)
