Monday, February 6, 2012

Chemo Day #20

Mieke's future mother-in-law (and my friend Laurie) took me to chemo today. It all went very smoothly, no reaction like last week. I did find out from the nurse that the Taxol drug I had today tends to make you have a sensitivity reaction the first couple times you ever get it, and the Carboplatin (which I had last week) tends to make you react the longer you are on it......wierd. They will just keep a very close eye on me in two weeks when I get it again.

Unfortunately I did not find out anything from my Dr. about decisions regarding the results of the CT scan. I hope I hear something tomorrow. I really am learning a lesson in patience. Laurie treated me to lunch at Blue Water Grill after chemo. Love that place!

Alden helped to install my new faucet in my kitchen last night. Maybe I will LOVE to do dishes now.

Tonight was Ladies Night Out with my neighborhood girlfriends at 84 East. I took my compazine before I went, and felt pretty good. Three of us have kids getting married soon, so lots of wedding talk.

Stan and I appreciate all the nice comments from you guys about his cooking and my encouraging news about the CT scan. You are all so supportive and caring, this helps more than you can know.
Stan is getting the itch to write some more stories, so we'll see..................

1 comment:

  1. Deb, boring chemo sessions are good chemo sessions! And you had 2 nice meals today too. Hope the next few days treat you well....please let me know if you need any more meals. Stories from Stan would be great to read; I like his writing style! Sorry about your can opener. When that happened to me (like a century ago) I went manual and have loved it! Just don't buy a cheap one. I continue to keep you in my prayers. Claudia M.(BBC)
