Friday, February 17, 2012

Don't like MRIs

I got through the MRI, but it was not my favorite thing in the world. It took an hour. They said I did very well, but it truly was hard not to freak in that claustrophobic tube. They give you ear plugs, which don't do much good. It is very loud still. They put this big plastic screen thing over your face, and say now don't move or swallow. It is just human nature to want to swallow , move itch, breath etc. when you can't. I used relaxation techniques I teach in prenatal classes. I pictured myself relaxing on a beach in Hawaii, listening to the waves coming on the beach.  I won't hear any results for a few days, probably next week. I pray it is not ovarian cancer in my neck lymph nodes.

Tomorrow I am meeting good friends for lunch in Saugatuck at Phil's. The goal until I hear something is diversion. I look forward to working on Monday again.

I thank those who continue to remember us with beautiful cards and kind words, they mean so much to us.


  1. Diversion is a great plan until the GOOD news comes from the MRI. I know how waiting can be excrutiating. Keep the faith and know that many people (and strangers like us) have you in their prayers!!

  2. Oh Debbie I am so glad you are back on the know Prayers continue.....think positive...have a relaxing weekend....hugs to all....and Go State!!! Lily sends a Newfie kiss to her friends.....

  3. I certainly sympathize with you about the MRI. The last two times I had one, they gave me pills to sedate me and even then it was difficult. Long illnesses are difficult, obviously on the ill, but also on the observer as they become frustrated as to what to do or how to help. You are blessed to have family and friends around you who keep you motivated...but then, you're a very appreciative person. You might run into my daughter-in-law Anna at BBC — she's one that takes the newborn pictures. Well, hopefully I diverted you a little. :)
