Friday, February 3, 2012

CT Impressive???

I just received a call from Amber the nurse at my Dr.s office. She said that a Dr. Shrive, a radiologist that is the imaging expert was at the tumor board meeting this am. He said my CT scan looked almost normal. They asked him if he would be willing to look at it with their high definition equipment and compare it to my Aug. post surgery scan. He said he would do that and be willing to write an adendment report. He said he didn't see "anything" at all. Dr. Harrison said it was impressive, that it may look normal. So, on Monday, when Dr. Downey gets back in town, hopefully they will have the "typed" report (like that is so important), and hopefully some kind of decision will be made.

So, how does this make me feel?? I guess this is more like the news I had expected to hear in the first place. I am mentally and physically exhausted from this "waiting game". I do thank everyone for their prayers and concern through this week.

My friend Karen delivered some delicious fancy cupcakes last night which we shared with Mieke and Aaron who came over for dinner. They taught me how to play "word with friends" so watch out people, I am pretty bored and have lots of time on my hands.

I did have lunch with friends from church today at El Ranchos and had wonderful Chicken Fajitas. I stopped to buy more bananas to keep my potassium up. Thanks to Jill for picking me up, my car was in the garage getting something fixed.  When I got home, there was a package delivered in the mail from cousin Julie in MN. In it were a couple of the cutest hats and a T-shirt and a card that said, "Wishing you the kind of day...that makes you want to smile out loud!"
Well Julie, I am happier with this report than just "better" and that makes me smile out loud. Thanks so much for your kindness. Julie and Eric are both nurses at Mayo Clinic, and he told me they shopped in the gift shop there. Hospital gift shops DO have the cutest things! Here is a picture of me with one of the new hats (felt, made in Canada) and what is on the front of the T-shirt.

Everyone have a great weekend. Enjoy the Super Bowl. Sunday our friend Joan is coming over to teach Stan how to cook. This should be interesting!! They are making three dishes. Alden and Mary are coming over to watch the game and try out Stan's crock pot meal. We'll let you know how it goes....


  1. Wonderful news! Love the hat! So nice to have everyone together at lunch today. Might want to take the batteries out of the smoke alarm if Stan is cooking!!

  2. Hi Deb. Lisseth and I just read your latest. We are very happy for the results and pray the news continues to get "better" every time. Lisseth thinks you look great in the hat that Julie sent!!!


  3. Terrific hat, Deb! I am a bit of a hat expert (The "Hat Lady" in Lynden and Tulsa) so I know what I am talking about. Hope you wear it often. Have you worn that other great cloche hat Mieke got you? Need pictures...

    Love you!


  4. I love the new hat BUT I love seeing you smile that big smile so much more---with or without the hat! Great news!
    Love, Jackie

  5. Awesome news! I am so happy for you! Sonja

  6. Congratulations on your awesome CT report! Also, love the new hat and tshirt!

  7. CONGRATULATIONS on your latest CT!!! All of your hard work is paying off, along with prayers. Your positive attitude is awesome- and it is definitely having an impact on your outcomes. You are making the marathon look like a cake walk ;) Keep it up!!!!!! The Vanderwagens & Aunt Dot
