Saturday, April 14, 2012

Back to the Homeland

This day brought many good things. At the very top of the list was the trip back to Holland with Deb in the car. Thursday I would have said this was impossible but these last 2 days have shown big progress. She has now taken up residence at Freedom Inn here in Holland. My guess is that it will be about a week. I want to post more in the morning on some of the details of this day. For now she is pretty wiped out. We both have been impressed with the surroundings she has now. I am thinking that some her local friends might want to see her. At Freedom Inn they do not have private rooms. I think it might be smart, if some people wish to do so, that they give me text or call.(616-293-1274). I am going to go up there in the morning and size up the condition. If I asked her she would say she wants to see everybody who might want to come. I have been warned many times by her doctors that overdoing can quickly result in a downturn. I do not have all that much going Sunday so I will try to give those that wish to see my best appraisal on what I think is best. I must tell you that this is one of the more gallant efforts in recovery that I could have imagined. She worked very hard to get where she is right now and she did it faster than I thought. I want to take a moment to thank our friend Jackie who helped us with the move and has helped in so many ways in this entire matter. More next time but for now rejoice with me in this news. Thanks for following!!!!!! Stan


  1. Hurrah! Looking forward to seeing you soon.

  2. super duper great news!! praise the LORD for this improvement!! sge us getting closer to her "turf"!! i am so happy for you deb!! will continue to pray for strength and pain control and patience as you heal and get stronger :) love and hugs and prayers, mary leeuw

  3. Whoohoo!!!! This is amazing - but I am not surprised. Deb - you know what needs to be done and you grit your teeth and do it. Do take time for rest though too.
    Love ya, Linda B

  4. She definitely is a strong woman. I would like to add that her progress is also due to the encouragement and tender loving care you all provided! It was a blessing to witness this. You have given us such a gift to be able to be alongside you.

  5. Stan, Thanks for the update!

    Say "HI" to Jeff and Brenda as they are in the room across the hall from you. I have been following both your "life journeys" and they happened to cross there at The Inn. So glad that Deb is on the road to recovery!

  6. Alleluia! The closer to Silverstone Rd. the better.
    Couldn't agree more that the grace you show each other on this journey, the grace you graciously receive and the grace that you reflect in your blog entries is of God. Prayer's for all of you this day! I'll stop at Freedom Inn when the time is right. In the meantime know that a great cloud of witnesses is following from a loving distance.
    David Blauw

  7. This is such wonderful news. Deb, your strength, faith,and determination have all contributed to the first baby step in your coming home. I'll contact Stan at the end of the week to see if you're ready for a visit.

    Praise the lord for this much needed good news.


  8. I chatted with Stan in the backyard today and it sounds like you have come a long way. I sometimes work at the Inn but will wait until I hear you are ready for visitors before I drop in. I will email the rehab people about what a special person you are...but they have probably already figured that out. Keep them on their toes!

  9. Praise be to God!! I can't wait to see those big blue eyes in person again :) I'll give Stan the Man a call to see when you're up for a visit.
    Love, Ellen Waterway
