Saturday, April 28, 2012

Strides and Brides

Stan Here:
 Thought it might be time for an update so here it comes. While the recovery road still seems long and hard we can all start to tell that each day is bringing some progress. I think I had mentioned earlier that it seemed like a step forward and then one back. Now it seems to be going in the right direction but it still is slow. We have been given the date of next Wednesday as the target release and at this point I see nothing in the way of this. Issues that remain are restoring an appetite that allows for proper nourishment and strength and some problems with nausea. After most attempts to eat a normal meal Deb is finding some real problems with the feeling that we all have had at one time or another with feeling sick. She fights through this pretty well but it takes about one hour after every attempt to consume a normal meal.

 Mieke is going through the fun stage of setting up her first home. She and Aaron rented their first apartment. So the fun of setting that all up is perhaps dimmed a bit by the fact that I think it is something that I think she and her mom might have done together. I mentioned earlier that those two have always cherished every friendship and every gift of any kind and I think they might have had fun with it. I am learning that brides to be are rained upon with many fine things. All I want to say here is that at this time in a special way these things have been received and carry a blessing that has extra proportion. I was thinking a little about this when I drove back from taking some things to their place. Deb and I were married 37 years ago and we still use the stuff from that time. I am not sure I have ever been able to get in to the plates and dishes as much. I do recall somehow the partner of Deb's dad giving me a drill. I opened that thing and I just thought it was kind of cool and it was a nice one. I still have it and use it. I think about that every time I use that thing. Anyway a special time for Mieke and Aaron. I recall one of my grandmothers commenting to a cousin of mine. This cousin had worked hard and purchased a home. It was her theory that by the time life reached 25 years or so things should be well along the way. She would always say to him "you have the coop, now you need to find the hen to live in there with you". I am not sure that this was all that modern of a thought. But somehow it did cross my mind after I helped them move a few things. Deb and I like the rooster and we like the hen and I think we are going to have a fun wedding and we are very proud.

 I am not sure how I got on all of that. Many of you know that we have some big dates coming up. Ross and Rumy receive their doctoral degrees in music this next Friday and Mieke graduates from Hope next Sunday. Anybody want to put any money on Deb attending these events? I talked with her about this yesterday on if she felt it was wise to try. She told me the issue was not up for discussion. The good money still rest on her attendance at these events.



  1. Gas up the car Stan. She's going to Lansing and then to Hope. Told me today. She's ready and is going to keep working hard at her physical therapy! She is REALLY coming along! (at Freedom Village AND in your car on Friday). Karen Kohlruss.

  2. I agree with Karen Stan...get yer ready!!! It is like trying to keep a mother bear from her young NOT....Prayers for continue strength and eating with no nausea....Debbie I know you will do great....take care my friend...Lily sends a Newfie Kiss and me a ya, char and lily

  3. Stan,

    I know Debbie will muster the strength and determination to attend both of these culminating events for Ross and Rumy and Mieke. You can do it Deb!!!!

  4. Dear Deb and Stan

    I haven't read your blog for awhile, so am happy to hear that you are moving in the right direction. You have lots to look forward to and I am sure those events are waiting for you to attend. PEO met last week and you were in our thoughts.....we are looking forward to seeing Mieke in May. Congrats on her graduation from Hope. Our nursing students will be pinned this Saturday and I am looking forward to attending the ceremony. Hope your strength improves every day.
    LIPEO, Terri, RN

  5. Lots to look forward to Deb!! Keep your spirits up and work toward you're goal to go home this can do it!! Can't wait to see you:) Hugs and prayers to you... Love, Sara T.

  6. Go Deb! We're so proud of you hard work in recovery and can't wait to see you in a few short weeks. Also, random, but do you happen to know if Mieke received the shower gift we sent. I may have mailed it to the hostess' address, because your address was not on the registry. Did it get passed along, if it didn't arrive by the shower day? Hope it wasn't too inconvenient...I did think it would arrive in the mail by Saturday!

  7. Stan, I must say that I too cherish those wedding of my favorites was from you guys - I'm sure you don't remember but my pie basket is used a lot! I think of your family every time I pull that out to pack food in for some event or another (I use it for more than just pies). And I think of M in my wedding...and now she's going to be the has time flown by! 13 years and counting for us! Prayin' for you guys from MN!
