Friday, April 6, 2012


 Stan Here:

I finally get to report some good stuff.  Mieke has reported to me all day that Deb was having a day where each hour you could see things coming back.  They changed her pain meds. I seemed that the stuff they were using was giving her problems. She was having hallucinations and all sorts of other confusion problems but after they changed drugs things started to get better.  She asked Mieke if I could drive in tonight. When I arrived I found most of Deb back and much more normal. They had moved her from the bed to sort of a "bed chair" and she was sitting up.  Normal conversations are starting to take place.  Her voice is stronger and once in a while her smile shows up.  At the same time any exertion toward the normal seems to take lots of energy and she quite quickly will fall off to sleep.  During these times she seems to hear the conversation in the room and her eyes will open and she will offer some sort of opinion on what is going on.

I am still not quite sure she is able to process all the things that have happened to her in these last days.  When I think about it there have been three large surgeries in the last week and it is hard for me to even process what she must be feeling.  I do know one thing.  She wants one of those trapeze type devices on her bed and I think she wants to picture herself pulling herself up in bed and starting the process of getting all the muscles working again.  She said to the nurse to get stuff unhooked and she is going for a walk in the hall.  When I heard this I kind of knew I had my wife back!  I am told that for every day she had to be in the medically induced coma it takes about two days to restore the muscles needed to walk. Doing the math I think we are looking at about 8 days before there are any laps around the hall.

Mieke did spend a great deal of time reading to her all of the very nice comments you posted on the blog.  Thank you so very much.  She nods her head after each one.  I am thinking she is not able to take them in right now in total but I sure she will spend hours reading them in the next week.  Right now she still has a tube going down her throat to her stomach and she is plenty anxious to get that sucker out.  So we go forward here in baby steps. One thing at a time and it seems to me progress is  starting to happen.  For the first time in 8 days she is being fed. Not solid food yet. This stuff comes in a bag and is pumped to her body and I do not even know how to spell the word good enough to have it pass the spell checker.  It starts with inter.  I think it ends with with the fact that she is now being fed.  I was starting to worry about that.  I was not aware the human body could go that long with out some food source.

OK, with all of this let me tell you something amazing.  Mieke told me to walk through the ICU unit. I am going to say about 40 rooms.  As I did so I came to an surprising conclusion.  As tough as this has all been on us I think it is possible that Deb is in the best condition on the floor.  I know we all have a lot of stuff to worry about. As I observed the situation I thought it might be smart to let you all know that as you you see something like this you become aware that many people do not have support group like we do. Additionally,  I feel right now that our situation resides on a scale that has deeper and even more serious conditions for many.  I think it might be smart for us to think about this on this weekend.  It is going to be a different Easter for us.  Ross is going to play at a big GR church.  Easter sermons will be preached.  But the fact remains that many will lay in a place were life hangs in the balance in a very serious way.   On Sunday I am going to take a moment to reflect on this.  This entire event has brought those facts clear to me in a way that I had not thought of before.  I sense it is going to be a memorable Easter for me.  Hope it is for you also. Thanks again for all of your many thoughts, prayers and expression.  And Deb, welcome back!!!



  1. Praising God for progess. Praying for more. Stan - it is a deep mystery of the faith that suffering can draw us closer to God. It may be the deepest mystery of all. I'm reflecting on that this Easter as well. Thanks for your thoughtful posts Stan - you've always been gifted with words. God is near.

    Eric Peterson

  2. Deb, as I have been reading your progress these past few days, I too thought as Stan did. What a different Easter this will be for you guys, yet how lucky you are that hundreds of people love you and your family so much that they are taking time to talk to God our Father and praying for your recovery and wellbeing! This is awesome! You are in my prayers daily; I pray that God gives you what you need and he knows what that is. Another quote came to mind and I wanted to mention it to you. I have this on a sign by my kid's bedrooms: "Always remember you are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem and smarter than you think. Christopher Robin to Pooh" Happy healing! Love, Claudia M (BBC)

  3. Stan thanks for the info...Deb I am so glad that "you are coming back to your old self"..meds do strange things to the body, I am hoping that the new ones are making you have made great strides in the past few days..I am getting ready for work and can't wait to see you their too. When you are ready to walk in the halls I can lend you Lily to steady you....wouldn't that be a site...she would love it and to help someone we love. Easter is tomorrow and I Praise God that you are doing so I have mentioned so many times you are so strong and the Faith you and your family have is great....I love you Deb and Stan and all....take care and have a good day....remember to not overdo it....that's an order from Char...hugs and kisses....char and lily

  4. Great news! Thanks to Stan and Mieke for so faithfully reporting. We have not been visiting, as per instructions, but many of us check the blog with frequency to see what updates there are. Walking will come soon enough (I actually predict it will be before 8 days... just a hunch), so let it happen as it should. Take time for healing. Know that you are loved and supported by a lot of people. Roland

  5. Praise God! I was taking a turn driving back from Florida yesterday and had Norm read your blog to me. When he told me the feeding tube was out, I said whoa, read me the blogs from the beginning of the week. We were sorry to read about what a horrible week you all had! But thankful that things are moving forward. Stan, it is so true that there are many people without a support system, many with out the strength of pray in their lives. I will spend some time in prayer for the entire ICU floor. Love to you all.

  6. Thank you for keeping us close with your posts! We are so glad to hear that Deb is improving day by day!

    " God is the Father who is full of mercy and all comfort. He comforts us every time we have trouble, so when others have trouble we can comfort them with the same comfort God gives us"

    May all of you be comforted by our prayers.

    Love, Karen and Chuck

  7. tears tears tears,,,praise god for the recovery deb is making.. we serve an awesome god...........stan, i love your writing and you make us all think of things we don't always want to.. happpy easter to the hoksbergen family.. so much to be thankful for. deb, continue to heal inside, and in no time at all ,, you will be walking those halls..praying ,, praying , praying....... love you all.rod and karen

  8. I've been checking your blog multiple times a day, hoping for some encouraging news. And there it was today! My heart was breaking for Debbie and also for the rest of the family. It is so hard for a child to see a parent in a difficult time. How wonderful that they are there for you. Keep up the fight and road to a full recovery. You remain in my thoughts and prayers. Happy Easter.
    Debbie S

  9. If anyone can get through this we all know it's Debbie. And you're right, it's hard to imagine people going through something like this without the support you've had. In the little Bible Club I teach, we just studied the Beatitude..."Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy." Your family has been merciful to others in so many ways, and now it's your turn to be the recipient. Have a great Easter!! We love you!!! Miriam

  10. Deb,

    We lit a candle for you in Dresden today. The symbols above the altar represented hope, faith and love all of which we send to you during your journey to recovery.

    You are in our thoughts and prayers.

    Love, Ken and Joan

  11. Hello my friend ,

    Our computer was on the "fritz" this morning and I was so bummed because I couldn't get to read your blog until much later in the day. Anyway, it's with much happiness and praise that I'm reading that you're getting "yourself" back, even if it's with taking baby steps to get your body up and about again. Just take it one day at a time might be a long journey but you WILL conquer this marathon.

    Please know that you are loved by many and all of those people are on a constant prayer vigil for your health to return to normal again real soon.

    With much love,
    Ellen Waterway

  12. Hi Stan and Deb, Mieke,

    Up in the cardiac chair (aka bed chair) that is continuing good news and good preventitave care. Have to keep those lungs strong and sitting up is more"natural" than lying in bed....and you are tolerating it without the breathing tube!!!!!!!! Food is another good sign and coming at a good time. Had breakfast at The Biscuit today and Jeanne Gerow told me the latest news, so here I am checking it out for myself. Yes, one of the best things about this whole ordeal is the strong family ties that enhance all the medical interventions. All shall be well. Happy Easter and blessings!!

    Hugs, Terri, RN colleague and PEO Sister.

  13. Yes, Debbie, welcome back. I read these posts and marvel at the many lives you have touched. It is indeed your time to be blessed by all who love you. Prayers for healing and strength along with praise for the miracles this week. I love you. Karol

  14. All the sentiments without exception are also mine but these are the thoughts I have during the night sometimes. Deb has to get better soon because I need her to scout around(Salvation Army, Good-will, etc.) to get me another "purple coat" so I can finish Mieke's rug. Otherwise I will have to do it and as you know I don't walk too well! Love from Grandma Shirley, the Braided Wool Rug Maker.

  15. Hi Stan, Deb and Mieke,( Lynn writing,Karen K. Neighbor) What a beautiful family Deb. Those are the strong ties that keep us fighting back to a normal along, of course, with God guiding all. I go to prayer for the thankfulness of this news and continue to pray for you and your family. Stan is so correct in doing the math on the recovery process and his positive thoughts are the best. My love and prayers to all of you. Lynn Schweibert

  16. Thanks for the update. It's clear there is a tough road ahead.
    Stan, we appreciate your Easter wishes. All of you will continue to be in our prayers. You are so right about perspective and those who lack support from others. We need to pray for them as well.

  17. Dear Stan, Deb and family,
    Your observation today comes at the same place that our prayer led us this morning - praying specifically for Deb and then remembering the many others dealing with catastrophic illnesses. Having spent a lot of time in hospitals lately I have wondered if they know the Savior and if they have a church family.
    We are thrilled that you are making progress Deb. You should be a "Recovery Poster Child." Your resilience is amazing and inspiring. This Easter day will bring happy praises for the way God has blessed your life.
    We love you, Linda B

  18. Happy Easter Deb and family! So glad to hear some good news! Praying...........

  19. Deb & Family, I haven't kept up with what has been happening these past days and I was taken back with your lastest big challenge. Deb you are so strong, and you are surrounded by a strong family & friends. It took me several attempts to get through all what has been written this last week, and you amaze me with your resilence and grace. I will say a special Easter prayer for you, Stan, Meike, the guys and all that hold you so dear. I wish for you, although a different Easter holiday, a special warm Easter holiday this weekend. Stay strong.

  20. So glad to hear that Deb has turned a corner. The love, faith and compassion for others that your family exhibits leaves me in awe. Having an supportive family is good medicine. Deb has awesome medicine.

    Betsy Rhein

  21. Hi Deb! we are so happy to hear the good reports about your progress!!
    Much love to you and your whole family this Easter weekend.
    Love Nancy
