Friday, April 13, 2012

Vital Signs

Karen here (Deb’s friend)
Stan asked me to come and spend some time with Deb today so that I might offer and share a “nurse’s perspective” relating to her journey to recovery.  As those of you in health care know, this progress and movement forward is most often measured by concrete documentation of  normal vital signs such as temperature, blood pressure, heart rate and/or good oxygen levels in the blood.  While all of these are definitely great gauges of progress, there are other “vital signs” that cannot be displayed via digital readouts and beeps.  I would like to share a few of these with you in this posting.
Vital sign #1   SMILE.
It is back.  Her smile has returned.  Her eyes danced with joy when I walked in the room.  I know they will do the same for all of you as she returns to Holland in the very near future.  This is the Deb we know. It has always been said that the eyes are the windows to the soul.   She has been smiling so much this morning, interspersed with a fair amount of wincing with  discomfort.  However, three staff members have already commented how MUCH better controlled her pain is today.  Deb agreed with them.  Although still with a fair amount of discomfort and shortness of breath due to movement, it appears that there has been definite progress with the conversion to oral pain medication.  Smile Vital Sign? Pass!
Vital sign #2:  Humor
Deb was up 4 times this morning, WALKING UNASSISTED with her walker!  She really enjoyed her “personal assistant student nurse” (as we called him).  He would walk right behind her carrying her water cup.  He is about to graduate from Grand Valley Nursing Program.  He was fantastic, anticipating her every need for comfort.  Deb and I feel confident that he is going to be out there someday compassionately caring for families in their time of need.  Deb has the ability to interject bits and pieces of humor that brings smiles to all staff on this floor.  Imagine Deb pushing her walker around the entire unit, beginning to pick up some speed and exclaiming, “Run Forrest.  Run!”  We are all going to have to watch this lady!
Humor Vital Sign?  Pass

Vital sign #3:  Determination
Deb has been up three times already today.  She grabs that trapeze bar, grinds her teeth and amidst muffled groans gets to the side of the bed.  This is not easy for her to do, nor is it pain free.  She still has quite a bit of residual pain due to the surgery which involved the cutting of a lot of muscles in her abdomen.  Have you ever overdone abdominal crunches only to barely move the next day or two?  I think this is what she must feel…although it is probably 20 X worse.  Hopefully with continued physical therapy this will begin to abate.  I have NEVER seen someone with her determination and resolve.  She still gets quite short of breath after any exertion and needs to close her eyes and take frequent rest periods/sleep. 
There are so many other things, but I will close for now.  There is definite progress but she still has a lot of healing to do.  The discharge planner came in this morning and shared the good news that there is a bed waiting for her at the Inn at Freedom Village.  The temporary plan is that Deb may be able to transfer there possibly Sunday or Monday.  This is still tentative but is such good news and affirms her progress on this road to recovery.  Her doctor will make the determination over the next couple of days.  Regardless of the timing, it is in the not-so-distant future.
Determination Vital Sign?  Pass
To God Be The Glory.
She says, “My  name is Debra Hoksbergen, RN and I approve this message;)


  1. I love the picture! The tea cups are a nice addition.That shower must have worked miracles.I must say you look really good, and glad to hear your vital signs are back. Keep smiling! The Inn at Freedom Village? What kind of a name is that. Hope you move there real soon and will pray for quick continued progress to recovery.
    Debbie S

  2. shes back........... so so glad to read this update karen.. love the picture of the 2 of you.. can't stop smiling. deb, your determination is unreal.. keep it up girl.. won't be long and you'll be back in holland.. love karen and rod

  3. Hi Deb,

    What good news!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oral pain meds, walking, drinking tea, visiting friends, and a future trip to the Inn at Freedom Village. I hope the Inn is ready for an exceptional person to move in (only for a short stay).....only pay a few days rent and then get out!!

    Hugs, Terri, RN colleague and PEO Sister.

  4. So happy to hear the news of your progress. You look great today
    and love the tea party you enjoyed. I'm sure everyone is ready to have you get up and move about. Take your time and don't expect an overnight miracle. Keep the faith and with your deter-
    mination you will be home soon!!!! Stan could use your company as well as the rest of the family and friends. Waiting to hear about your move to Freedom Village and then HOME!! Love you!
    Al & Cora

  5. Oh my, this is such great news. Linda, LPN, graduate of Pine Rest School of Nursing approves and agrees with the mental health assessment - this is crucial in the healing process.
    You are on your way to FREEDOM in more ways than one.
    I know the "vitality" of the care you have received from family and friends has been a huge help too.
    Thanks to all of you who communicate so well to all of us
    Deb ~ you are a blessing everywhere you go. We are praying there are no more backward steps - just steady progress.
    In His love, Linda B

  6. Thank you Karen for the update. Way to go Deb, keep pushing and pushing (I know it can't be easy to smile).

    Looking forward to seeing you back in Holland

    Love Vickie

    1. Thanks so much Karen. Many people know that the care needed takes a special person and I know that it is not easy. Also thanks for your post. You are a good writer and you give a fresh perspective. I was amazed at the progress one day can bring and even as I know you will not take any credit I want to give you some anyway. Thanks again!!!


  7. Looking forward to seeing you back in Holland! Just had dinner at Logans and Dan entertained us with a new card trick. Hopefully he can show it to you soon!

  8. So glad that your student nurse gave us student nurse's a good name :) Hopefully the patient I took care of today can say the same!
    It's wonderful to hear of the strides you're making, and so glad to see that smile on your face! Keep up the good work, we'll definitely keep up the prayers!
    Mandee VK

  9. Great news and Great job Debbie!!!! Your picture is glad to see you:) BBC girls are wearing our bracelets and pulling for you! Looking forward to bothering you when you are able to see us!! Lots of prayers for you sweetie...see you soon:) Love, Sara T.

  10. Wonderful News!!! In a few days you'll be able to don those wooden shoes and kick up those feet with the rest of us :)

    Can't wait to see you "up close and personal"

    God id S-O-O-O-O Good!!!!!

    Love always,
    Ellen Waterway

  11. LOVE reading this post! God is good and prayers are being answered in the affirmative. I hope to see you sometime soon.
    Ellen J

  12. I'm so pleased to learn of your nearing transfer to rehab! Reading the many posts since this journey began I have heard of and learned of your spunk and high motivation - temper it a bit so you will have fewer hours of soreness due to over-doing it. Pace yourself, you are just passing through the Inn at Freedom Village. You'll be setting a standard for those who need a good example of working towards independence. You'll be a bright spot to everyone! Praying always and every day.
    Denise of Tulsa, OK (friend of Krista's AND a physical terrorist, oops, I meant to type physical therapist)

    and now a joke for you:
    "It was an unusually hectic evening at the emergency clinic where I work. The doctor on duty was simultaneously bombarded with questions, given forms to sign, and even asked for his dinner order. I was in the next room, cleaning up a newly sutured wound, when I realized he hadn’t given instructions for a bandage. I poked my head out the door and asked, "What kind of dressing do you want on that?" "Ranch," he replied."

  13. Thank you SO much for this wonderful update Karen! I can't tell you what a relief it is to hear that mom's smile is back. It has been so strange being back at school and not there with her this week. It helps a lot to know that good friends are giving her loving care. What a huge help to our family! I am so happy mom will be coming to Holland soon so I can see her more often. It is amazing how quickly that ride to grand rapids gets old. So worth the trip though to see her progress and give any care needed.

    Thanks again! Love, Mieke

  14. wonderful news!! what a great post to read this saturday am!! i was eager to ck the computer this am just to hear the update on you deb!! i was awake several times during the night and thoughts were with you and the prayers went up every time i was awake:) it was GREAT to see your smiling face in the picture!! you are making GREAT progress, so thankful for that! you will have to figure out "crowd control" once you get to your new digs at the INN, there will masses of poeople wanting to stop by and give you hugs and see your smile in person:) gotta go, hope to hear more good news tomorrow!! love, mary leeuw

  15. Deb,
    I am overjoyed to hear about your progress and to see that you have the old Deb smile back. Please keep up the good work. Your progress and your determination are awe-inpiring.

    Can't wait to see you back in Holland.


  16. Oh Deb I love the picture...and that sounds so much like you...I hope you do get there soon....I spent a day at a Dog thing...I was helper for breakfast and to smile at lunch...of course I did not cook did learn a few things...but me show a dog I don't think so...tomorrow same thing...Lily is upset but we did go for a walk when I got home and not she is just lying there looking at me or it could be the Tiger game we are watching....they need you to cheer for them....take care my you so much....Stan I thought of you when I took my laundry out of the dryer...rut ro...a little wrinkled and I had to smile...char and lily
