Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Sigh of Relief

Preparing for this day has been nothing but hard. My mind never stopped thinking about mom as she lay very still in the hospital bed. I came up to her room early this morning and nobody was around. Just mom and me. I talked with her about the surgery and read all of the blog comments/emails/texts. She listened, and cried appropriately. You are all so tender with your words and prayers. We are both thankful for that. Then the nurse came in turned down her sedation meds a bit so she could respond a little more to me. Jackie was here now so the witnessed mom waking up. Mom mouthed questions like, where am I, and what it going on. She pointed to her stomach and asked what is happening. I tried to explain everything to her the best that I could and she seemed extremely confused. She gave lots of hand gestures waving goodbye and I said to give me a squeeze if she loved me. She squeezed and off she went. They explained that it is kind of like moving a three ring circus when they move someone from the ICU. They unhooked everything from the walls, and took her into the OR. Grandparents, friends, pastors, and others all waited anxiously for the report. A couple of hours later, both surgeons came to tell us how it went. I am very happy to share the good news. Surgery went well! They accomplished everything that they wanted to and she did well through the entire thing. She does have the ileostomy bag and will most likely have this for 3-6 months. They removed 2 more feet of her colon. They said that she hardly lost any blood during surgery and overall was hemodynamically very stable. She is now back in the ICU and is resting deeply after surgery. A team was just in here doing rounds and they are continually talking about taking her off of the ventilator support and when her body will be strong enough for that. I will try and update as I hear any more about this. For now, I am sitting next to her and trying my best to keep everyone updated. I am sorry because sometimes I don't feel medically adequate at all to share these reports. For those of us who just want to know how she is, I would say...she doesn't look like herself at all, she is very swollen, bruised, and has gone through way too much. It will probably be a long time before she can walk again. She might be in a wheelchair for the wedding. (A minor detail that is just fine with me, as long as she is there!) I won't try to hide the fact that this is not a good situation, but she is fighting, and is stronger than anyone I know. She will come through all of it. That I am sure of. I will write more when I know more. For now, please pray that she gains strength so that she can breath on her own. Much love, Mieke


  1. Mieke - You are so strong also. You and your mom are a good team. You pray and fight together as does the rest of your family. Keep tough. Everyone is praying for her and your family. Lyn D

  2. Having trouble posting comments due to password changes after I was hacked. Lets see if this will go through...


  3. OK...we are a GO here in Tulsa. Glad this worked.

    Dear Mieke,

    You are doing an absolutely fantastic superb job of reporting to all of us out here in the hinterlands. No worries about that. THANK YOU!!!

    Dear Deb,

    I hate being so far away and sometimes wish I had taken that flight Monday morning and just hung out with Becky, Drake, and Jason. But I am here and it is too far removed from you, your struggles and the rest of the family's suffering. Wish I could give you a hug and hold your hand while all of this is going on. But I will be patient and look forward to seeing you in May. We are so thrilled with the good reports and please believe how much we are praying for you and love you and want to see you all. Maybe we can arrange for some Facetime soon.

    I will gladdly be your "hands & legs" for wedding errands and please let me know how I can help you, Mieke. Done weddings before and would gladly do it again. (Tell Aaron I am available for groom-support as well.)

    Please know how much we are thinking of almost all night long since sleep stopped around 3 am. And sleeping pill did not kick in for a long time. Great prayer time.

    I am expecting you to visit us here in Tulsa once you are strong and not hooked up to any chemo. This new home is a great rehab location...peaceful, scenic, and oh, such pampering available. 5 stars at least! Remember how we did some rehab in Washington after your tumble down the stairs and you broke your arm? Here we have Swans & Co. at no extra charge. I told Wade we live at a zoo. They arrive Saturday for a week. Something "good" to look forward to.

    Must run to Lowe's (a daily adventure) to get a different cord for our dryer. (Go figure)

    Love you and praying God's healing hand on you. He has heard our prayers for successful surgery, now an uncomplicated recovery.

    Hugs and kisses,

    Your sister, Krista

  4. Thank you for the update! This is a precious time for you and your mom. Happy to hear surgery went well. Your mom is one strong woman and I admire her strenghth. You have a wonderful family! She will pullthrough this and live to help someone else out!love to all! Deb B.

  5. Dear Stan, Mieke, Alden, Ross and DEBRA,

    Thank you so much for keeping us up to date and sharing the good news about the surgery. I've been checking the blog hourly and am so happy to hear that all went well. Debra, you are one strong chica!!! You must all be exhausted, I hope you can get some well needed rest.
    Take care and we will keep you in our thoughts continually.

    Bob and Deb

  6. sending prayers of strength and peace for the whole fam and especially your mama. how confusing it must be to wake up with tubes everywhere. sounds like a long healing process but it is good to hear that the doctors were able to do what they intended to!

    thank you for the updates!

    great big hugs for everyone (a bit gentler for you aunt deb, but still so full of love!)

  7. Dear Deb and family,
    Praying that God's healing and love wraps you all warmly like a soft, snug blanket. Thanks Mieka for keeping us all posted. It means so much to know what's going on while we're praying so far away.
    Like Krista, I'm in Tulsa. Here to care of my folks for a couple of weeks. If Krista wants a Beechwood friend to meet for coffee and prayer, tell her to call me. Donna Van Iwaarden 918-250-0182

  8. Dear deb and family, greeting from florida. i wish i was there to give you another HUG,, but it will come soone enough when we return to holland. tears of joy for the good news during surgery.. hard to be here and not beable to give mieka, stan, ross, rumy, alden and mary a big hug. please know rod and i are praying for you all .. Deb,, i would love to help with anything i can for the wedding.. what ever you need girl.. love and hug prayers go out to all..rod and karen

    1. Nice job Mieke as usual. Mieke is on spring break and she has bee a huge help to our family. I think the other collge seniors might be in the sun someplace but Mieke has worked very hard to do anything to help her Mom. She always has had a huge level of compassion and she and her mother are tightly connected and share many attributes with each other. One little thing that we cannot figure out. When we post something it always says the time of the post and somehow this is 4 hours off. If some young person out there could e-mail me how to fix this I would appreciate it very much. Some people are getting confused on this time thing and I think I should fix it.

    2. Prayers and all good wishes go out to all of you.

      God bless you all!!!!!!!!!!!!! Carole W.

    3. Mieke,
      You are such a blessing! When I met you, YOU had wires connected to are such a miracle. :)

      I was just thinking about how it feels to be a patient. After surgery, it feels wonderful to have clean hair. New sheets and gowns. Shaved might be too soon, but my daughter (22) was such a help. I know you have already thought of all this. Painted nails and toes? Love and Prayers up!

  9. Oh Mieke you are doing great....hugs to all....I know you mom is strong and you may be surprised that she will be walking for the least for a little bit....please take care of yourself....I know it is difficult to sit by someone you love and see them "hurting" or not themselves....I know your mom is so proud of all of you....give her a kiss on the cheek for me....and say that is from lily...that will make her you all...char and lily

  10. So glad to hear surgery went well - and sorry for what seems will be a long recovery - but recover she will! You're all doing well at letting us know what's happening - so thank you!
    Wheelchairs are wonderful things when we need them - hope it won't be too long.
    Prayers continuing-hugs to you all.
    Uncle Tony & Aunt Marilyn
    ps-Mieke or Stan= could also give hugs to Jim & Sylvia-
    and the rest of the family too!

  11. Do you remember last week (was it only a week ago?) after the initial surgery we were all doing the "happy dance"? Well I'm keeping my "happy dance" shoes close at hand. You all do the same. I know we're gonna need them again. Love Miriam

  12. Thank you so much for all the updates-your whole family has been in my thoughts and prayers. Sending more hugs-Shae

  13. Thanks for sharing this good news! It is clear that Deb is a fighter,so we predict that she'll be breathing on her own and socializing WAY before the hospital staff expect her to. Sending positive thoughts your way! Suzanne Vanderwagen & Dorothy Martens

  14. Mieke--you are a lovely caring daughter. It's obvious you mom means the world to you and I'm sure this is hard for you to see her as she is. As a daughter who sat by her mom's bedside, I am praying that you too, will be comforted and cared for and given God's grace in more ways than you can imagine...
    Hugs from Krista's friend, Carole

  15. Thank the good Lord for every bit of good news. Mieke, I know your being at your mom's side thru all this means more to her than you will ever know. You are a special gift to her. Our prayers our with your whole family. Thanks for the great communications.
    Jeanne G.

  16. Praying for good healing and rest for all of you! Thanks for the updates.. and Deb...hang in can do this!!!! Love and hugs...Sara T

  17. Hi Mieke,
    Wonderful job of keeping everyone informed. I know it must mean a lot to your mom. You are the best medicine!!! It always looks terrible the first day, but it will get better. I pray she comes off the ventilator soon......anesthesia is always cautious about this because they don't want to have to put the tube back in again. I am sure her healthy lungs will expedite their decision. Breathing is hard work and they just want to give her a rest by helping her a little with the tube.....she has been through a lot...and proven her strength. All Shall Be Well. Thinking of you......
    Terri, PEO

  18. Mieke, Never doubt for a moment that you are such a gift to your mom & dad.......and I will just keep having that conversation asking for God's help.

  19. Praying for strength for all of you! Deb heal quickly! Glad to hear the surgery went well! Thanks, Mieke, for the updates! Please all take care!

  20. Hi Deb,
    It's me again! Ellen. I've been faithfully reading your diary every day for the past week. Today I was much gladdened with the report that your surgery went well...Praise the LORD!! He is so-o-o good and I know that His healing hand is on your body right this very minute!! I'm planning on a weekend at the Homestead this summer so you'd better heal fast because I NEED another Homestead "fix".

    You have so much to be proud of with your wonderful, loving and caring family. The love shines through in all their blogs. You are indeed, a very special woman and are loved by so many people.

    Please know that there is a continuous "hot-line-to-heaven" from my house every single day for your healing from the problems that are attacking your precious body.

    I love you Deb...please know that I'm only a phone call away for any help you might need.

    God bless you my friend,
    Ellen Waterway

  21. I anxiously await news on the blog, and then think how selfish of me. You have so much else to do besides updating the blog, yet you (all) faithfully do this, and with such graciousness. Your entire family seems to have a knack for the details, writing it so well, and I appreciate it so much.

    Mieke, I have so much respect for you. With all that is going on, you are facing it with maturity, grace and strength. I wish I was there to hug you, to talk, to support you.

    Deb, I'm so thankful you have such good medical people around you. Your family has been so incredible updating your blog. The rest of us are praying for each thing as it comes up. That means that all you have to do is stay strong and get better. There are a lot of people who love you and you are going to have an amazing testimony to share once you are through this.


  22. Thank you for updating Meike. I have been thinking so much about your mom and just hoping and praying that she would have a successful surgery and get back on the road to recovery -- so very happy that that is what indeed happened! It's funny that although I was introduced to your family from Libby via her blog, I think of you all so often as though I know you all in person. We will keep your mom in our prayers!
