Thursday, April 26, 2012

News and Views

Stan Here:

 We did learn a couple of things today. First we learned that Deb will not be able to return home till next week. May I relate what for me was a very touching moment. I took Deb in to see the doctor and they did remove the stitches. This is only the second time Deb has smelled the outside air in one month. The exertion of going to this appointment took it's toll but on the way home she said she wanted to see her house again. I did drive her home and she was able to come in and sit at the table for a few moments. She was really not able to respond to the event with the joy we expected. She shed a few tears and had me drive her back to Freedom Inn. As hard as this was for me to watch I get to tell you now something really interesting.

For the first time I heard her surgeon say that the reduction of the cancer that came from the chemo was significant enough that they actually feel that they have a chance to bring her to a cancer free state. He was very clear to emphasize the word "chance." You know something?  I think that is what we needed to hear right now. There is a part of me that believes that Deb will pull out of this thing and outlive us all. There is one thing that I know for sure is going to happen. Deb will be attending Mieke's graduation from Hope. She told me yesterday that wild teams of horses would not keep her away from that. It comes up here in a few weeks. The good money will be on her being there!!!!



  1. Stan, Thanks for the continued updates. The "cancer free" part sounds great. But looks like lots of healing and strength to regain yet. Continuing to pray!.... Duane

  2. Oh Stan I know she will be there....It was so good to see Debbie on Monday and I can not say how much Lily loved it....and so did I....Stan the next game we play watch out :) Debbie has such strong Faith and Strong Will that she could move a mountain if she wanted too....I love the words "A Cancer Free State"....sounds like a winner to you all.....Mieke I still can't believe your are were a little girl not that long care my friends.....char and lily

  3. It was good to be able to visit for a few minutes yesterday when I was working at The Inn. Your smile was great and that was before the good news from your doctor. How can Mieke be graduating? I remember when you were pregnant with her! I was amazed how good you look now.

  4. This is such an emotional roller coaster for me, I can't imagine what it is like on the other end. I know you will be there for graduation, looking beautiful as always. Thanks for all the heartfelt updates. Cancer free sounds good to me. Keep on moving forward. I think of you many times during the day, and really appreciate the updates.
    Debbie S

  5. so good to hear that deb got out and that we have the hope of "cancer free"!! we need to continue to pray for that and not "grow weary" in our prayers for continued strength and healing for deb! she will see that graduation, i can feel it!! that's something else we can pray for! keep on keeping on deb!! you can and will do it! you'll conquer this cancer thing and the set back from the surgery, you are gaining every day:) love, mary leeuw

  6. Ever since that "good news" first surgery, I felt that you had a fighting chance with this cancer. The dramatic decrease in the cancer told me that it had receptors that the chemo zeroed in on and "took it out" so to speak.
    The set back of the perforation and peritonitis seemed like a cruel trick of the devil to me but our God prevailed and through His strength, your determination, help and prayers from family and friends, here you are - making progress.
    I know it seems way too slow to you Deb, but please hang on - you can do it!!!!
    I too remember when you were pregnant with Mieke. Now here she is - graduating and getting married. When you look at her with pride and joy - remember that she mirrors your beauty and inner strength.
    Love you all a ton,
    Linda B

  7. I believe it!! Love Miriam

  8. Keep believing Deb! You are not alone in this...lots of prayers for you:) You will be at your daughter's graduation and wedding.....and beaming with pride...I am sure:) Keep your eyes on your goal! Love ya, Sara T.
