Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Bad start good end.

 Stan here:

A little bit of a yo-yo day but the yo-yo ended in the up position.  Shortly after I made the the post last night I got a call that Deb's temperature was high again.  This was not the news we wanted.  It was how we found out we had problems over a week ago with the infection and quickly led to all the rest. It worked out better this time.  Turns out that all evidence pointed in the direction of the temp being caused by to much fluid on the lungs.  I had noticed this over these past days as Deb breaths were shorter and whenever they would move her even in the bed she was having problems drawing good breaths.

They took her down today to get a procedure of removing the fluids in the lungs with a needle.  I was not supposed to hurt but she told me it did.  When she came back up to the room I found her eating her first meal.  I looked like jello and maybe some broth.  But a meal it was.  All in all great strides were made on this day. There have even been moments when the sense of humor and the smile was back.  I need one more day to figure out what to tell the people who have asked if they can visit.  I am concerned that well meaning visits may have the result of going backwards.  She loves all her friends so much that she might say have them all come over.  What I have done here is ask a few people that have medical experience if they could visit on Wednesday.  She is still very weak and the doctors have warned me that as much as she would like it there is the chance that a huge step backwards might happen if this is not done right.

She has huge resolve.  She has one of those trapeze type devices on her bed and whenever she gets the chance she is pulling on that thing.  She knows what she needs to do to get better.  Nancy washed her hair this morning and did a fine job of helping her and advising all of us on how best to handle.  She stayed overnight 2 nights.  I cannot thank her enough.  Some of you that know our family know that she also has faced come recent medical issues.  But she helped us in this time at a level that that will always be remembered.

Oh, and by the way, Deb just moved off of the ICU.  I will post again in the morning.  Seems like new stuff comes all of the time.  Two day ago I started to think that Deb might not ever walk through our front door again.  Now I can kind of see her on the front porch asking me why the leaves have not been blown off.  I think I better take care of that right now.  It was a good day!



  1. Oh Deb, we are so happy to hear you are getting stronger every day! "I will bring back your health and heal your injuries" says the Lord...Jeremiah 30:17
    Sending prayers up continuously! Karen Kohlruss

  2. yea, more good news!! and i bet deb feels a whole lot better just getting that shampooh!! and moved out of the ICU is huge too!! so glad to hear of these steps in the right direction!! praise God for that. will continue to pray for healing and big strides in the getting stronger department!! tell deb we miss her at work, but work will always be there so just concentrate on getting well :) love and prayers, mary leeuw

  3. Deb, glad to hear things are improving. Don't over do! Give Stan time to get those leaves cleaned up.

  4. Oh, this is so good to hear. Sorry for the yo-yoing you have to deal with so often - and the pain. In this case the pain brought gain and that is a relief. Praying the lungs stay clear, the "meal" stays down and strength becomes a constant progression to getting onto that front porch.
    Thanks for your "humor in the storm" writings, Stan.
    Our prayers are continuous too.
    Just me, Linda B

  5. Glad to hear you are moving in the right direction. What a week you have had! Glad you got your hair washed, that must give you a new outlook, and real food, what more is there to have! Well maybe a glass of wine. That will come before you know it. Keep up the work on the trapeze, maybe a new career path. You remain in my thoughts and prayers.

  6. Good evening Stan and Deb,
    Wow what a journey we are on. So crazy that our families are dealing with cancer at the same time, and at Spectrum at the same time. I pray for you every day and anxiously await an update on how you are doing through your blog. I hope you enjoyed your Tulip Time t-shirt even if you can't wear it now. Ken thinks that I need to figure out how to make the "gowns" a bit more attractive. They are either to big or to small and the print well that leaves a bit to be desired. Prayers for food and gaining strength. Love you,
    Gwen & Ken

  7. Thank you all so much for following along. The last comment is from a couple from our church that also is dealing with a tough situation. Gwen is the director of Tulip Time here in Holland and Ken has been fighting cancer for some time now. A couple of really strong fighters. We had dinner together several months ago but neither of us expected to encounter the other within the same walls. Interesting how life works!!!


  8. Hello Deb and Stan,Thanks for your daily reports.  Moving out of the ICU is a good sign of progression.  Thank goodness for your family "Florences", it  can be a big help to have added explanations and clinical reassurances.  The trapeze is a great idea, just a little pull everyday .....and with the plus of physical therapy, you will be on your way!  I would say don't tire out too much with visiting...... limits are good.... moderation....... but again, friends and family are some of the best medicine.....  Thinking of you.Terri, RN colleague, PEO

  9. Good morning, Deb, So happy to hear this good news. Moving from ICU is fantastic. Praying for more forward progression today. Thinking of you and praying for you. What a courageous fighter!

    1. Oops forgot to sign my name. Above was Lynn S.

  10. Hi Stan and Deb and fam,
    That's a happy ending to yesterday. I agree, be careful about visitors to Deb, but remember that for those of you who are by Debbie's side, we'd also like to be visitors to you. Like maybe have lunch or supper down in the hospital cafeteria together, just to let you know we're watching and praying. Let us know if there's a time that works for that. Maybe Roland & Lisseth & Keith & I could help out in that way. Love Miriam

  11. Hi Stan and Deb,
    That's good news from yesterday. Yay! Deb, you're gonna beat this! Remember that even though Deb shouldn't have too many visitors, we'd be happy to meet those of you who are sitting by her side, down in the hospital cafeteria for lunch or supper. Maybe that's the way we can help. Let us know! Love Miriam
