Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Perspective of a Mom

Deb's  Mom,Sylvia:
This is coming from someone who hasn' t seen her since she left the intensive care unit, so to me she has made some real strides.  Her pain is still a real issue, so we are very thankful for medication.  She saw her surgeon today and I think he was pleased with her recovery so far.  (Now Stan Writing).  I think a few of Sylvia's lines got clipped off and now reside someplace in cyberspace.  So let me finish with some of her thoughts and mine.  She came to to visit and had not seen Deb since the ICU.  I asked her how she felt regarding her observations on everything and she said that she felt things were about as she expected.  Those of us who see Deb everyday sometimes have a tough time seeing the progress but others who have seen her at larger intervals think she is moving along well on the progress scale.

Yesterday Laurie, (Aarons Mom) took Deb into GR to an appointment with the surgeons.  They removed the staples and checked things over.  It would appear at this point that we have about another week at Freedom Village. Laurie said that Deb endured the trip well but was really tired after the whole thing was done.  She did tell me that the doctors talked with her about the serious nature of the condition.  They claimed that they and Deb should be thankful for life as the nature of the procedings  and complications were very advanced from a medical perspective.  It has now been three weeks since the initial surgery.  Those closest to the matter have observed that Deb has endured the events with great drive and stamina at a level that I think many of us can only imagine.  She walks the halls quite often and the  pain involved in getting up and down, doing the therapy and all other elements of the rehab is sometimes painfull to observe.

Related to visiting it can sometimes be sort of a moving target.  Deb's cell phone is 616-299-2996.  She has been able to  handle some calls and some text while at the same time there are times when the rehab people keep her busy. Deb's Mom and Dad will be with her today and I will keep you posted on her progress as best I can.


  1. Mrs. Vermulen,
    Thank you for this update:) I know that Deb draws her strength from God, but I also know that you and Mr. Vermulen have personally shown that strength to all of your children over the years. Thank you for the gift of this wonderful woman in our lives. Hugs, Karen Kohlruss

  2. Hi Mrs. Vermeulen,
    Thanks for the update. Pleased surgeons are a good thing! I hope to run into you and Mr. V sometime------ it has been many years since I have seen you.
    Deb, I hope you are feeling the love and prayers from many concerned friends and relatives tonight and I will pray especially tonight for you to have a night of uninterrupted sleep.
    Love you, Ellen J

  3. hey deb, been really watching for the updates and waiting for good news!! hang in there, work hard, as i am sure u are! i just wish you didn't have so much pain, i will continue to pray! waiting for the word for when u can have visitors :) love and hugs, mary leeuw

  4. We are here for you Deb....please keep your chin up and we will do everything we can to make your recovery happen as fast as possible and so you can be home! Love and Hugs:) Sara T.
