Sunday, September 11, 2011

Not my greatest day

Well, the effects of chemo have finally gotten to me.  I started to have "serious gut" issues last evening while watching the U of M game and it continued ALL NIGHT and still today. I am following all the instructions in my book to manage this. I have still been able to enjoy the day by watching the Lions win, the Tigers win and see Serena Williams loose :(  I was hoping to go to church because Mieke was singing at the Bridge service, but I was just not up to it.

My sister-in-law Nancy has been here today and taking good care of us and did some grocery shopping. Thanks Nancy for everything!

Last evening some neighbors and friends surprised me with a visit and a big basket full of Tiger goodies. So fun, thanks Carol, Margaret and Leah. See the pic below. They knew that I had applied to be a "Dreams Come True" guest of the Tigers. 4 of us get to attend the Sept.26 game against the Indians. We get to go on the field, meet Tigers and watch batting practice. Some free gifts and prizes are also in store for us. Can't wait!!

My next door neighbor Mary Claire also came over to visit with some homemade Wonton and a beautiful poster of Hydrangeas with the words Invincible Spirit and said I needed to have it, it reminded her of me. thanks so much.

I want to thank so many of you for your kind offers to take me to chemo. Believe me I will take you up on it. Mieke wants to take me to most of them for now, but I'm sure she will get sick of it soon, and then I will be calling you all.

I also want to thank all of you who have told me that you have added me to your prayer list or your church or bible studies prayer list. I so appreciate it and I can feel the love and support from all the prayers. 

Love to all, Deb


  1. Deb, please give Branden Inge a hug from me. Tell him that I think he is a great guy and I wish him the best! Enjoy the game!

  2. Thank you for posting an update even though you don't feel very good....prayers are coming your way for that "gut" to get better!

  3. hug goes to Justine V. and Alex A....hug and or kiss lol...I hope you are feeling a little better and your pain / nausea gets better....I can drive too for Chemo when I am off....please know I am not far away and will do anything and everything I can for ya my friend....char and lily....Lily would say something right now...but she is snoring in the corner....she could come and keep your feet warm..... :) Char and Lily

  4. Hey ,Deb,
    Sorry you are feeling yucky. Hope this passes soon as gut pain is hard to deal with. It sounds like a great time at the Tiger's game. So glad you went! Hang in there and cast all your burdens on Christ. John 14:27.

  5. The U of M game gave us all some gut aches as it went on :-). I'm glad the Lions and Tigers went a little easier on us. Enjoy the Tigers on the 26th; I pray you are feeling better long before then.

  6. I remember in one of your posts of the chemo infusion day that you said they had to stop the infusion because of side effects and you wanted to invision that the chemo drugs were wrestling with the tumors. So that is what I am imagining is happening - a valiant battle that the drugs will win! Somehow you manage to still have that beautiful smile and love for your sports teams. Definitely get a picture with Verlander - Dave predicts he will be a "hall-of-famer!" We will want a copy of that for sure. Love you! Linda Breen

  7. Deb, a mutual friend gave us the news about your diagnosis a few days ago and sent us the link to your blog. We have been reading to catch up a bit since we haven't seen you since July. You and Stan and your family are in our daily prayers. It is easy to see that you are so loved by so many. May God give you the strength and courage you need to get through these next weeks of chemo. Love, Ron and Sherrie
