Monday, August 15, 2011

Hello to my BBC gang and Zeeland Surgery friends

Well guys, I didn't think that I would ever say this, but I can't think of a place i would rather be than working third shift at the BBC or doing colonoscopies with the gang. Just about ready to try and catch some sleep. My son Alden is staying with me tonight, can't remember the last time we were "roomies". I love hearing from all you guys. I  really do miss seeing you. I don't like being in the lateral position. ZCH surgery, your flowers are amazing and brought tears to my eyes remembering all you wonderful people. I saw Travis before I went into the OR and told him to fill you all in and give you my best. Pray that the time goes by a little faster this week. It really seems to drag, waiting for the reports to come back and a plan . Talk to you all tomorrow . Remember when you play hangman, you are allowed to use foreign words. ha


  1. Hi Deb, I wanted to check your blog tonight to see how you are doing. I have been thinking so much about you, Stan and the kids. You are amazing that you have kept your sense of humor as well as your strong focus. So glad Alden is there with you tonight. I bet he needs that as much as you do. Amazing how all those years of good mothering paid off! Sleep well tonight knowing the strength of the love surrounding you.
    Jill Walters

  2. Dear Deb,

    It's 12:05 am Tulsa time. Just woke up and checked your blog. Thank you for all the posts. I am going crazy so far away. They keep me from losing it completely. Love the photos. Absolutely beautiful!!! You are. Always have been.

    I have been thinking back. Roomies? We shared a room, a double bed in fact, till you were in 7th grade. Was that 13 years? A lot of good night prayers and good night stories and talking together under the covers.

    Can't wait to get there. I hear you and Becky were cooking up some jobs for me when I get there. You just point and I'm all over it. Just like one of our monthly work days. We'll see if we can get as much accomplished as we used to. Remember your question as we sorted and decided what to keep and what to toss? "Just how cheap are we?"...I ask myself that so often as I decide to throw or donate something.

    Can't wait to see you and your beautiful family. Hugs to them all! I pray for you day and night. God bless you and keep you.

    I love you,
    Your sister-Krista

  3. Your blog is wonderful, and I love all the different posts by your family. How proud you must be of all of them. You must be happy to have Alden home. My heart breaks for you and your family, such a difficult time. I woke up this morning remembering the memorable boat trip and looking for the scary bubble. LOL

  4. I wish I could find words to express how we feel. We pray the pain goes and the healing comes your way. Really like the photo of you that was posted. Will keep you and the family in prayer in the days and weeks and months and years ahead!!!

    Uncle Al & Aunt Cora

  5. Hopefully you got some sleep and it is a good morning for You !! I am glad alden and mary got home safe to see you ! Nancy and I, derek, jenn kyle, richenda,and alissa are thinking of and praying for you and stan and the kids constantly !! Im hoping the temp is staying down and that you get real food soon !! Thanks for all the posts to keep us "in the know" All my Love !!! little brother Jim

  6. Hi Deb,
    I read on your blog that you might like some old memories rehashed. At our ages it is hard to remember exact memories of growing up, but i know our familes had a lot of them. I was talking to Lois yesterday and she recalls the times the both of our familes and the Martins spent at Belle Isle. i remember going there during the winter and playing tag in a pie shaped circle with all you older kids chasing each other around. I also remember the canoe trips that our 3 familes would take. i can't remember the river, but I do remember that your mother and mine were in the same canoe and it tipped! My heart and prayers go out to you and your family! Please keep the wonderful faith that you are displaying in this blog and remember that the good lord always walks by our side,
    Don Van Wingerden
